This story starts in the middle of
Doug Gets a Hug and ends after it. Doug, Ana, and Teal are Addergoole characters.
The girl had a boy. So help him, Doug was not going to make it through her four years sane.
She - Ana, Anastasia the dancer, Ana the pert, Ana oro'Willow - didn't exactly have a boy, because Teal himself had an oro' at the end of his name, and his Keeper was the possessive sort. But when Teal and Ana danced - and Teal danced, of course he did - Doug could watch the sparks. And that wasn't all he could watch. It was a good thing neither Keeper was in the habit of visiting their dance practices.
He wasn't going to survive the next four years, but it might be a fun way to go crazy.
She'd been waiting for him the day after Willow left, leaning against his apartment door and wearing a little trenchcoat that was unseasonable, unneeded inside, and entirely tantalizing.
She'd at least waited until they were inside his apartment - but not until the door was all the way closed - to show him exactly how much she wasn't wearing underneath. And then, for several athletic, dexterous, and wonderful hours, she'd shown him quite a few other things.
Doug was happy. He was actually smiling, something he couldn't quite remember doing before, or at least not in quite a while. But, being himself, he couldn't help poking at it.
"What about the boy?" She had her head pillowed on his chest, so he was talking to the top of her head. "You like him."
She looked up at him, a smile dancing on her lips. "Nobody ever said I only had to 'like' one person." The smile slipped, her expression and her voice suddenly serious. "Did they?"
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