Nov 10, 2010 22:09
hay doodz. I suck at lots of things, including writing anything at all ever. In short, I have completed the Miserable Fuck portion of WriSoMiFu, but not so much the Write Something. EPIC, EPIC FAIL. 10 minutes a day is evidently beyond my current abilities. *headdesk*
I read through a few weeks of friends' page, so I think I'm up on most of y'all, even though I commented on pretty much nothing. sorry.
I am not going to post too much impuissant angst here on the intarwebz, but I feel like my world is kind of collapsing and I'm rapidly running out of hands to grab. In a little over a month I'll be unemployed again, and while being done with this job will be a relief, I don't have anything to replace it. I'm having trouble figuring out what sort of work to look for, because I am going on several long trips in the first few months of 2011, which makes traditional employment hard. I want to look for writing gigs but you can see how well I do at that. Reliable: not so much.
I have no source of income when January hits and it's looking like I'm going to have to move.
There is craziness of the family-issues variety going on right now, too, and I feel like I'm relying too much on Lavender to help me work through it, but there really is nobody else who makes me feel better about it. Now I'm sure all my friends think I'm crazy and codependent. It doesn't matter that much what they think, except that I fear I am becoming half of an ampersand, instead of my own person, in their eyes. Whatever. I am happier during my time with Lavender than at any other time, these days, so fuck it.
I am worried about my dad. I am even more worried about my mom. There is nothing I can do to help either of them.
alder fail. that is all.
real life sucks,
holy shit no one cares