Happy Pride Week! (3-sentence fic meme!)

Jun 20, 2010 15:12

Chicago Pride Parade, 2006

Tomorrow kicks off Pride Week all over the world. Whee! To join the celebration of queerness in all its excellence, I present A MEME:

Leave a prompt, for a fandom I know (if you're not sure, ask, or leave it anyway and I'll tell you), and I will (try to) reply to it with a three-sentence fill. Please post one prompt per comment, and use the following format:

Fandom, character/pairing, prompt word/sentence.

Remember, in honor of Pride Week, keep it gay! As far as fandoms, anything goes.

Yes, I've done this before, but I had fun so I'm doing it again. Also, I've not been writing much recently, and this is a good way to get back on track.

Happy posting, and happy Pride!

writing, the gay, meme, holy shit no one cares

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