(no subject)

May 18, 2006 21:53

You have an extra $5 or $10 dollars.
Go to these profiles of incarcerated activists and buy a T-shirt or make a donation. They need our help. Support them and show your opposition to calling activism terrorism. Show governments that we stick together.

Which is really TERRORISM?

Peter was slapped with TWO YEARS for releasing mink on a fur farm

Jason, arrested at a peaceful demonstration and facing upto THIRTY YEARS

Chris got EIGHT YEARS for starting a $5000 fire http://www.myspace.com/supportchrismcintosh

SHAC 7- Found guilty and facing sentencing, HELP THEM!

Jake of the SHAC 7

Josh of SHAC 7

Tags: animal rights

i was lazy to read some of these people's stories, but now that i have, i'm fucking shocked. this could be you in prison. for what? for speaking out against what is so obviously wrong and fucking backwards. this aggressive attack on activists shows that the meat/fur industry is a business which will do anything to protect it's profit. let's not let them get away with this eh?
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