Grateful for...

Oct 21, 2012 18:50

It struck me that LJ isn't really a habit for me anymore. Only when I am sad, or when something momentous happens. This displeases me.

So, I'm going to try to make it a habit again, yay! Each night this week, I will post 3 things I am happy about. :D

Happythings, Sunday/Weekend Edition:

1. I went to a class (on time management) that really helped me start focusing on what is important to me in my life.

2. I realized that most of my recent Feeling of Being a Bit Lost comes from something really positive: I'm in my mid-30s, and I'm ok now. This is somewhere I never thought I'd be, and the fact that I can now live a decently-normal life and take care of myself is HUGE, so I need to readjust my expectations. Sure I have no retirement savings or British comedian husband and I do not own that mansion on the moors from The Secret Garden, BUT. I am alive and happy and I work full-time and support myself doing something I enjoy. These are awesome things, and I am working on appreciating them and not minding about the other things. The other things will happen, or they won't, but the most important thing is that I am content. Way back when, that was my whole life goal. Either die or be content, and I got the better option. So why am I kinda mopey?

3. I cleaned my closet! Mostly. And I got rid of a whole bunch of things from The Most Recent Depressive Era, which was really hard because it made me remember things I did not want to remember. But I did it! Mostly.

Ok. I am now working myself up to writing my mom's obituary. Which I do not want to do, but I said I would, so I really should. It is a bit late now.

happygirl, happythings, gratitude

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