overnight we received ~15cm of snow. just in time for my finals, yay. NOT. i hope it doesn't take me forever to get downtown on time b/c my HR planning final is tonight *grumbles* i hope i do well since i feel moderately prepared for it. unlike my employment safety final, which is tomorrow night - i'm pretty sure i'm going to bomb that one. PLEASE KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED FOR ME.
anyway, for everyone who's confused about lj notifications + v-gifts, here's a quick breakdown [as reported by
lj_maintenance]:1) lj installed a new upgrade to their system a few days ago which didn't work as planned.
2) they had to rollback to a previous upgrade, which broke the notification system.
3) the notification system is now fixed, but as of yesterday morning, there were 12 million jobs queued, so comments and notifications are slowly trickling in.
4) the free snowflake cookie v-gift was a glitch and has now been removed.
5) it didn't directly cause the notification problem, but it definitely contributed to delays and slow page load times, especially since some folks went mad. for example,
ontd_ai sent out 15,500+ v-gifts to a single person.
6) lj may provide free v-gifts in the future, but there will be restrictions [i.e. you'll only be able to send them to mutual friends].
7) some of you are receiving dozens of notifications of other people on your flist receiving v-gifts b/c you have that option enabled in your comment settings. your notifications are now bombarding your inbox as they clear the queue. turn off the option to prevent this from happening in the future.
btw there's a neat supernatural au comment fic challenge taking place right now. i'm excited about sam/dean au fics, since i haven't read too many that fall in that category. also, i'm tired of j2 college au so i'm hoping people come up with cool prompts that generate some neat fics \0/
alright, time for me to relax a bit before i have to get ready and head out. i'll have to compile tonight's edition of
quibbler_report after i come home. if you've read any good harry potter rarepair fics that haven't been mentioned on previous editions of the QR, [especially from the lovely fests that are currently running], please comment to this post with some links! it'll help me out greatly :D