Title: Too Far Along, 3/4
Author: Keira
Rating: PG-13 for this chapter; up to NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Dick Winters/Lewis Nixon, Eugene Roe, Floyd Talbert, George Luz, Ronald Speirs, Antonio Garcia, Bull Randleman, Johnny Martin, Shifty Powers, Babe Heffron, Hank Jones, David Webster, et al.
Word Count: 3,366
Disclaimer: Based on the fictionalized characters, not the real people. No disrespect intended, and I don't own anything.
Notes: This is a reimagining of "The Last Patrol."
Summary: Sequel to
A Few Degrees Warmer. In Haguenau, Lew and Dick eagerly anticipate time alone. The Germans have their own plans.
“Don’t take any chances on this one. We’re too far along for that.”
- Lewis Nixon, “The Last Patrol”
Part One Part Two Too Far Along: Part Three