Бритоголовые и чисто умытые древнеегипетские жрецы.

Sep 10, 2015 01:43

Я уже цитировал Геродота, который обратил внимание на чистоплотность египтян и особенно их жрецов.

"Египтяне - самые богобоязненные люди из всех, и обычаи у них вот какие. Пьют они из бронзовых кубков и моют их ежедневно, при этом именно все, а не только некоторые. Они носят льняные одежды, всегда свежевыстиранные; об этом они особенно заботятся. Половые части они обрезают ради чистоты, предпочитая опрятность красоте. Каждые три дня жрецы сбривают волосы на своем теле, чтобы при богослужении у них не появилось вшей или других паразитов. Одеяние жрецы носят только льняное и обувь из [папирусного] лыка. Иной одежды и обуви им носить не дозволено. Дважды днем и дважды ночью они совершают омовение в холодной воде и, одним словом, соблюдают еще множество других обрядов".

Он же: "В других странах жрецы богов носят длинные волосы, а в Египте они стригутся".

Жрецов позднего периода, в самом деле, можно опознать по бритой голове.

Priest Wesirwer
The fragmentary inscription on the dorsal pillar of this head contains a rebus that reveals the owner's name-Wesirwer ("Osiris Is Great")-and part of his title. An inscription on a statue in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo to which the head was originally attached (see photo) reveals that Wesirwer was a priest of the Theban god Montu. On the Cairo statue, Wesirwer holds figures of the Theban divine triad-Amun, king of the gods; Mut, his consort; and Khonsu, their child, a god of the moon. He sports an Achaemenid-, or Persian-, style garment, which had been introduced before Dynasty XXVII (circa 525-404 B.C.), a period of foreign occupation.

The Brooklyn fragment belongs to a group of green-stone heads that combine both conventional and naturalistic facial details. Wesirwer's egg-shaped skull and almond eyes are standard elements of fourth-century works, but the serene gaze is a naturalizing element perhaps evocative of Wesirwer's piety

This head of a priest, called the Boston Green Head, is the best portrait sculpture known from the Late Period. The face is wonderfully lifelike and individual. Light wavy lines indicate the furrows of his brow, and crow’s feet radiate from the outer corners of his eyes. The top of his nose has a pronounced bony ridge. Deep creases run from the edges of his nose to the corners of his mouth. Thin lips and a downturned mouth impart an expression of strength and determination. The slight wart on his left cheek is unique in Egyptian art and also introduces an element of asymmetry dear to the artists of the Late Period

The Berliner 'Green Head'

Late Period, Dynasty 30, ca. 350 BC
Height 21,5 cm
Inv.-No. ÄM 12500
The characteristics of Late Period sculpture including the perfect rendition of the face and delicate smoothing of the surface can be seen here. This head of a statue of an aging man also reveals his character: Reserved, knowledgeable, experienced and of strong determination.
Other facts such as name and titles are unfortunately not known since the back pillar is not engraved, however the shaved head indicates a representation of a priest

Bald head Egyptian Priest Petamenhotep

Egyptian Priest Hori


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