Aug 14, 2010 08:57
I have decided that pain isn't a good thing. I know, understatement of the year, but seriously. Pain isn't fun.
So, story for today. 3 or 4 years ago as I was getting out of bed, I retardedly hyper-extended my left wrist and pushed a bone back up into my joint. So, ever since then, every once in a while, I can't bend my wrist in a certain manner or if I stretch it wrong, it starts to hurt really bad. Well, recently, like during the last week or so, it's been really hurting. So yesterday while Mel (seen here as Jake) and I (Seen here as Sam since he was out so he got the front of it *hugs*) were grocery shopping, I (yeah I know this is retarded) hiked up my pants by my belt, the bone decided that, right then at that moment, would be a good time to re-break itself back into place. Sam has a pretty high pain tollerance... I have a pretty high pain tollerance... needless to say, I almost fucking cried it hurt so bad. I mean, it's been years and there's been a bone missing and out of place in my arm and is hasn't hurt this bad before. Now, I can't bend my wrist without almost screaming. So... *nods* Yeah. Pain. It's not my friend right now. And I'd never heard it before, but Sam "son-of-a-bitch"ed. It was hilarious. But not at the same time, because of the pain. But Sam and I got pop-tarts and Apple juice out of it. *smiles*
It's kinda bruising and was a little puffy last night but, nothing too visual and the pain has kind of spread into my hand too. I've got it wrapped in an ace-bandage, which Sam ran into our neighbor hood friendly Wal-Mart and got. And believe me, I got an earfull about our lack of first-aid shit. *rolls eyes* Guess what I'm getting next... first-aid kit... and it will live in the trunk. *sighs* Jesus, help.
Anyway, pain. Yeah, not fun. Hopefully it'll be better by next week. Cause I really don't wanna be running around at my brother's party with pain every 5 seconds.