Feb 14, 2010 18:33
mood: content :]
So, for valentine's day i am doing absolutely nothing work or school related. its glorious!
i dont know why some people hate valentine's day so much. sure, for all the singles out there (me included) it might not be as romantic as it could be, but its still a chance to get some free chocolate!
Kt came over to hang with me and my sis today. we're going to make some thai food (and to be completely honest, its really more of a chinese stir fry, but we all have our delusions. :3) with lots of calories and grease and heart attack inducing heaven and its just going to be so amazing! im a texan and we love our fried food, so this day really couldnt get any better.
anyway, tomorrow im going to be holed up next to the fire place, reading some of the books i have to write papers on. >.> you would think teachers would make you read some more interesting books if they're going to be having to read tons of papers on them.