Nov 13, 2006 23:00
Fucking hate uni up here its a heap of gay. reading week was alright, had loads of fun friday night and caused loads of mischief brighton style, had a good bonfire night despite the shit start, then the weekdays I felt like shooting myself I was so bored, except for getting blazed and watching borat (fucking hilarious). had a massive panic attack in front of my mum which was shit and brought back too many shit reading memories, then friday night was alright, went to spoons and the Albert and got quite pissed, then got pissed off cos kiz scared off alex and bex when i was talking to them, stumbled upon a student party on the way back and made a pathetic attempt to party (apparently the way to party these days is to walk into a house and sit on the sofa and not talk to anyone), got chatting to some fit girl but scared her off talking about pills...good one. saturday hangover train journey was actually ok and went pretty fast, got back and went to see the mirirmar disaster at the grapes. first up were some shit wanky drone / noise band which looked and sounded like the sort of music nathan barley would make if he liked drone, aka fucking bollocks. then was the michael eden aka the northern jacobs stories, solo guy who had an amazing voice, his songs were just boring singing over layered/looped guitars though so werent very interesting. then mirimar were really good, gigs up here have such a friendly atmosphere which makes a change from the brighton fashion / im cooler than you shows. talked to lots of bandy types who are all super friendly too, which was nice. yesterday i went over to dollars to make a cake for martyn (his room mate) and hang out which was really nice, cake wasnt too much of a disaster considering it was me and dollar making it. killed stuff on time splitters. came home and did fuck all / made a pathetic attempt at starting my essay due in 3 days. didnt get to sleep till 3 30am. today i went up to the library and have done fucking nothing, put some referances into my essay - i already know its going to be shit, i cant concentrate at all as most nights in (aka most nights) involve me sitting on my arse and having one long mild panic attack, so theyre shit. its such a fucking joke up here, i wasted my reading week when i should have been working on my essays cos im a cunt like that, i hate my flat i mean seriously who puts one english kid in with 3 foreigners, cant wait to move out of here, especially the fucking kitchen which constantly wreaks of soya sauce and the chinks always get in the way when i want to cook. after this botched essay i have another two to do in 6 days, yup theyll be shit as well. dont even know if i even want to study politics (not that theres anything else i want to do with my life) cos the course is so fucking boring . i keep feeling like the entire day has been a blur and that ive just been drifting through it. i had a shit summer (and summer before that come to think of it), thought i got some sort of half decent closure at reading then i'd get a chance to start things again at uni, but no, i get another kick in the bollocks and get stuck with a bunch of fucking foreign cunts who i hate more and more every day (there isnt even anything wron with them) and i have no friends and spend most of the time having panic attacks. world record for most swearing in an lj? you bet your fuckng cunt it is