May 03, 2006 20:31
I got my first cat bite at work today. He got me right on the joint of my index finger. Little poop head. So I left work early and headed to the ER for antibiotics and a tetnus shot. So now my arm is going to be all sore from the shot and my finger from the bite. In fact, just typing this is quite a pain in the finger.
The sad news. . . my doc said i shouldn't get my tattoo done this weekend due to risk of infection!! Cerr and I have had this appointment set up for well over a month and i'm going to try really hard to just get it done. Of course if my finger is all infected and gross by this weekend then i obviously won't do it. But i'm hoping with meds and a few days recovery time it will be well on the mend and i can sit through a tattoo session. Only time will tell. But either way i'm meeting with our artist tomorrow to work out the details of our design and I'm super excited to see what she's come up with.
i need to stop tying, like now.