May 08, 2010 10:00
This week I started my new job at R.H. My official job description is a math and literacy tutor and I've been placed in Mrs. O's grade 5/6 class. So far it's gone very well, the students seem to like me and I get to work with smaller groups for literacy and for the grade 5 science. There are only five grade 5s, so I take them while Mrs. O teaches the grade 6s. There is also a teacher candidate in the class from Queen's for the next three weeks. She and I started on the same day.
I'm still working the primary yard for recess so it's funny to jump back and forth between the age groups. The kindergartners were very huggy this week, hugging my legs when I enter the classroom. It's so cute!
This week was Dad's birthday so I made him some golf-themed cupcakes. They turned out well besides the "golf balls" which were Timbits that sat on toothpicks on top of the cupcakes. It was too hard to paint them over with icing. Yesterday I woke up and felt quite sick. I thought I might take the morning off and see where that went but there was no improvement. It was pretty much an awful day.
Ryan is officially back as of Thursday night, but I haven't been able to see him. He's stuck sorting out all his things and with a number of chores to do. We were suddenly even going to have the garage sale today, but decided not to because of the crummy weather. That was good, I wasn't feeling up to it anyway. I wonder when I'll actually see him?