Sep 27, 2007 13:20
Ok this is whats going on with me lately, I am officially un-employed....yep I quit my job at the retail store, and am now doing nothing except going to school and sleeping. It's a good thing that I quit that job because it was really starting to get to me, and it was interfering with my school work too, but now that I am free of that place I feel lazy and unaccomplished.
I have taken up a new hobby, Amateur photography! so far its been real fun, when I get a chance I will upload some to my scrap book. I find myself looking to take pics of birds, landscapes, and structures, more than people or things like that, to be honest with ya, I really just kinda shoot what ever catches my eye at a particular moment rather than making a plan before hand on what I wanna shoot.
I am currently preparing to take my 290 vendor exam which is the next to last one I have to take before I am finished with the courses I am taking, It is an extremely hard one, for me anyways, to be honest with you I am really worried about it, I kinda don't think I can pass it, and I feel so burnt out already, so the thought of studying more just seems kinda pointless. Well regardless of that fact I still need to try and give it a shot, so I better get back at it.