Search engine frustration

Mar 09, 2022 20:33

There seems to be a really serious bug becoming more and more prominant in search engines, both of the web-wide kind and the within-website kind: an inability to distinguish between similar terms, be they synonyms or homonyms, even when those terms are enclosed in inverted commas.

What is more they do not seem to give any preference to the search term given over a possible alternative, which is incredibly frustrating to the user. The thing most frustrating to me is an inability to distinguish between the search term "Season 3" of Dr Who and the search term "Series 3" of Dr Who (with inverted commas), which given that one relates to a televison series made in 1965 and the other to televison series made in 2007 is immensely frustrating. The first 70 hits for the former relate to the latter for me.

But now it has spread to retial websites too. The first 6 hits for the search term "whiskey" on a well-know supermarket's website deliver me scotch. Grrrrrr.......

What is the point of inverted commas in search engines if they don't appear to work properly? And how hard is this bug to fix????
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