Nov 09, 2003 09:35
I got up a bit late this morning and now I'm running around trying to make the most of my sunday. Can someone loan me 4 hours? Please...?
I got a call saturday morning at work. My goddaughter is home from the navy, she's been in Japan for 2 years and they finally gave her 24 days to come home, so my month is booked. I want to spend as much time with her as I can before she heads out to Iceland. Yesterday, we went to see her brother at his house.Some of youknow him (Tae). Well, he was crabby near the end of the day, so we left him in his crankiness and went back to her mom's and watched some tv. We talked about some plans and her trip and such. She's grown alot and I'm proud of that. We also brought along her other brother who used to always hang out with us but he got bored after an hour and went home.I guess nobody wants to really catch up on old times except for her mom and me. The rest of the family wasn't all that happy to see her..seems like it. Well, her dad had been drinking and he and her mom got into a fight/cursing match while I was there. It only reminded me of the reason why I adopted those guys. I have no regrets at all in that matter, because 3 out of 5 of them turned out alright. They are family now. I had to take some crap from her mom because I haven't really been over since Tomorrow (her name) left for the navy. The fact is, I have, but only to see her sons, well, the two good ones, but they don't live with her, so I just didn't bother to stop by to say hello. She's alright now though, I joked around and she was happy to see me. I have to plan a few things out because the next time we'll all be together is in 2006 and I wonder if Tomorrow will reinlist....maybe not from the sound of it but you never know. Well, I gotta go clean and clean and clean before noon. No morning ritual today so I might be a bit crabby or quick to leave after conversations. Lots to do before work tomorrow.
Missed Lunar Eclipse!!! thanks to the clouds.