Feb 22, 2011 10:41
Funny how your world-view changes in pregnancy. You become like some tigress, who is on constant alert for stuff that might hurt her cubs. For one thing, your sense of smell becomes out of this world. Someone sprayed some bleach on the other floor of the house-- you can smell it. Someone burnt their barbecue two houses away -- you smell it.
The second thing is that you begin to read labels. Your drugs get categorized into categories. You can no longer roll out of bed with a headache, go blindly to the medicine cabinet and attempt to shoot some Excedrin into your eyeballs. Anything of medicinal value that you put in your mouth has to be identified and checked to see if it's okay to ingest (and in a lot of cases, the answer is actually no -- bye bye Excedrin). At parties you have to tell people that you don't drink. Thankfully, my friends are awesome and not stupid, so I was even thoughtfully offered a 'mocktail' at the last party.
You start paying more attention to what you put in your mouth in general. You try to remember to drink all those glasses of water (which was seriously hard for me, as I was a camel and could go without water for days). You think you probably shouldn't eat those chips because there's more salt in them than in the Dead Sea. Words like 'calcium' and 'iron' flash in big neon letters in your brain. You become this crazed healthy person they show you in the commercials, who gets full servings of vegetables and daily fiber and tries to exercise every day. And all that because it's not really for you. Your body has been hijacked by this alien spawn, and the spawn is demanding bone-building material and blood and vitamins and maybe something sweet now and then, so she can get hyper and start punching you in the bladder.