Aug 05, 2009 14:27
Or at any rate, much, much better.
I did something trivially stupid Friday -- I don't even recall what I did, it was so trival and stupid -- which resulted in a wrenched back and, I suspect, a pinched nerve. Excruciating pain, enough to break down my manly stoicism and voluntarily go to the local ER.
Pain, plus pain meds, plus muscle relaxants, together had me flat on my back the entire weekend.
We managed to get an appointment with a local chiropractor, who specializes in sports injuries. I was a tad cautious, since I haven't been to a chiropractor in over ten years, and wasn't convinced of the necessity even then. But anything's better than pain, and I've never really been comfortable with relying on drugs.
Turns out I've had a signficant hip displacement for years, enough to make one of my legs shorter than the other. A bunch of alignment problems like that. The chiropractor laid me down on the table, arranged my limbs to his liking, said, "Now I'm going to roll you this way," and then pop pop crack SNAP!
Didn't fix the back problems, but made them tolerable enough to allow me to return to work. I've two more sessions with the man, and I'm really looking forward to them!