Johnny's Ranking meme

Jun 13, 2010 15:58

I just keep stealing things from shigefan1992 . XD

Doing the rankings, I definitely did NOT choose the middle option because that just messes it up for me. Also, it was hard for me because I was judging on how the boys looked in the picture provided! I'm sure that if it was just the name, it might have come out different. X3;;

RankNEWS Ranking
Favorite (Top) to
Least Favorite (Bottom)

Even I'm surprised at how low Tego and Kei ranked. I would usually say how Yamapi is on the bottom of my list but lately, things have indeed made me see Kei and Tego not so well.

RankKAT-TUN Ranking
Favorite (Top) to
Least Favorite (Bottom)

I think that this list is just about right. X3; The bottom 3 was hard to work out so those these are easily interchangeable to me. x3;

RankHey! Say! JUMP Ranking
Favorite (Top) to
Least Favorite (Bottom)

Honestly... if I could, Yamada would be ranked 10 and everyone else ranked 1. X3; But I do love Chinen~

RankKanjani8 Ranking
Favorite (Top) to
Least Favorite (Bottom)

I kinda woula wanted Yoko ranked higher than Ryo but I'm happy with the top 4~ the bottom 3 were difficult though. X3;

RankArashi Ranking
Favorite (Top) to
Least Favorite (Bottom)

You have no idea how difficult this ranking was for me! All I know is that Aiba is number 1 but the other 4 could have very well been all ranked 2.


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