i havent played tag in a long time :D

Jan 20, 2010 02:08

I'm surprised to be getting tagged cause i've been so inactive, THAT and I like moments where I try to make myself think I'm thought of by others XD;; Tagged by yuniesan and reversemirror

A. List ten habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag ten people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."

1. In the more than 20 times I've ridden in an airplane, I have ALWAYS had the window seat. No lie. I LOVE the window seat. And, even if my ticket wasn't the window seat, I would always manage to switch with someone to get the window seat. MINE. Besides, I'm pretty good at the window seat even when I'm with strangers. I can go through the entire flight not needing to get up for anything.

2. Before I crack a raw egg, I always shake it first. I don't know why. I believe it's to make sure that it is indeed a raw egg. When I was younger, I didn't know I was trying to crack a hardboiled egg (that my mom replaced in the carton container ~_~) and I started crying because I couldn't crack it.

3. My cellphone number has two 0's in it. BUT, when I tell people my number, I always say the first 0 as 'O/oh' as in the letter 'O'. Then, for the second 0 I say 'zero'. My dad always gets mad at me. I need to either say 'OH' or 'ZERO' for that number. But I can't help it.

4. I have been to several Asian countries on that side of the world but I have NEVER been to the US' west coast. I stopped at Alaska one time but I don't think that counts. I owe people visits on that side of the country~

5. When I shower, I usually if not always shower with my back to the shower head. I only ever turn around to wash my face. I don't like having water all over my face, which is weird to say, but I always get the feeling of drowning.

6. My sneezes sound fake. I think I literally make the 'ah-choo' noise. I've always hated the act of sneezing not because I don't like my own germs which I still kinda do, but because I am afraid that people will think I'm gross if I do a full-on sneeze and leave my germs in the air.

7. Every time I ride the subway alone, I try to tell myself to sit on the 3-seater along the wall but I always sit on the 2-seater that extends from the wall. And, I sit beside the window no less. As the subway gets even more full, I find myself trapped against the wall, another person beside me, and the edge of the 3-seater row.

8. I judge the service of a restaurants on the manner in which they place items on the table in front of us. If the waiters simply drop the menus on the edge of the table and expect us to pass it ourselves or loudly drop our dishes in front of us, then my impression on the whole establishment goes down. Call me a lazy anal ass if you want but... maybe I've just been spoiled at other places.

9. When I was younger, I made my little sister sick by making her drink concoctions I made my mixing my mother's pefume when we were playing 'doctor' together. I figured that if they smell good, they must taste good and be good for you. Yeah...

10. Again, when I was younger, I used to tie my little brother's wrist to the bedpost with our jump rope or my dad's belt so he wouldn't leave the room. It would give me time to go and do what I wanted instead of watching him while my parents were out.

I have problems.

Eheheh, so yeah.. can't remember if you've already been tagged so sorry. I tag...katietorresm
jadeyeap shigures_hsgirl 


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