Bedtime snack

Feb 28, 2008 01:00

Who: Keoahikamakaua, Lujayn, Niena
When: day 16, month 6, Turn 15
Where: Living Cavern, HRW
Summary: On her way to bed, Lujayn stops to chat with Niena and finds out about the new firelizard clutch.

Keoahikamakaua is a wary momma, rolling her eggs every so often near the fire while keeping an eye open to those nearest.

It's after dinner, and the living caverns are relatively empty. Candidates are done with chores today, which explains why Niena is here. At the moment she's concentrating on the basket of eggs, quietly and very slowly moving toward it.

Done with chores, indeed. Lujayn is just emerging from the kitchens, a sweetroll in each hand and a tired look on her face. She pauses to watch Niena, eventually sitting at a nearby table. "More eggs?" Lu inquires, tucking into what appears to be her bedtime snack.

Niena stops moving as she answers, "Yes, only this time firelizard, not dragon. And Suraiya has said she's not going to give away the eggs so everyone will have a chance."

Keoahikamakaua laid what was said as 'more eggs.' She is guarding them, and brooding over them, and making sure all those nasty humans stay away from them. She snaps her little jaws and perches on the rim of the bucket proudly. They're the only eggs they should really consider...

"Oh?" Lujayn leans forward a bit, getting her view of the bucket from afar. "That's generous of her." Mouth partially full of sweetroll, she notes Niena's focus on the eggs and continues, "Are you going to try for one?"

Niena says "I'm thinking about it. I mean, I'm a candidate, but I don't know that I really have a chance with the dragons. Firelizards will go to anyone, though." She pauses, then adds "Suraiya said I should try to get closer and look at the eggs when Keo is calmer. I'm still not sure I should get within snapping distance." Then she starts moving again, slow and steady."

Keoahikamakaua is a calm firelizard, just look at her whipping tail and her quickly whirling narrowed eyes. She gives a low growl in warning, but sits back and watches. Short of actually jumping out and grabbing them, she doesn't look like she'd attack.

Lujayn masks a yawn behind another gigantic bite. "You've got as much chance as anyone else. If you didn't, you wouldn't have been Searched - right?" A reassuring smile. "But the little ones are hard to resist." Even the growling, snapping ones? "I'll wait and see what happens." Lu answers her earlier question, still watching Niena inch ever closer to the eggs.

Niena gets close enough to get a good look, clasping her hands behind her back. "I'm not so sure about search. It's always been something which happens to other people. I gave up on it turns ago, and then suddenly I'm a candidate. I guess I just don't imagine myself as a rider."

"You can never really tell with dragons. Anything can happen." Lujayn restates, propping her head up with one arm. "But you accepted Search anyhow?" She asks curiously, eyeing her second roll with less appetite than the first. "D'you want this? My eyes were bigger than my stomach."

Niena nods. "It's a chance I never expected to have -- there was no way I'm giving it up." Moving away from the egg bucket she says "That would be wonderful. Yes please."

Keoahikamakaua relaxes once the candidate moves away, since the others have finally decided to keep their distance as well. There have been plenty of weyrbrat fingers to nip at... She shuffles towards another side of the large bucket, closer to the candidates, and the prospect of some rolls.

Lujayn nudges the sweetroll across the table and picks at the remnants of her own, sleepy but still fighting the good fight. "Well said. Even if you don't impress, you'll still have good stories to tell." One of those tired eyes wanders over to Keo, amused. "Looks like she can't decide whether she wants us to stay away or come closer to feed her."

Niena moves over to the klah pot and pours herself a mugful, then sits across from Lujayn, grinning at the firelizard. "Suraiya did say she impressed her with a bubbly pie." She dips part of the roll in her klah and says "I wonder if Keo likes klah. Or whether giving her klah would be a grave mistake." She breaks off a non-dunked piece of the roll and holds it out curiously.

Keoahikamakaua looks back to her eggs and then to the few scattered about in the caverns. She hops over to the back of a nearby chair, still within snapping distance thankfully to protect her eggs. She stretches her neck out as far as it'll go towards the candidates and the food, tilting her golden head first to one side and then the other, but she doesn't get cloesr. Yet.

"I'm not sure," Lujayn admits. "Better not make her any more excitable than she already is." She grins, watching Niena offering the roll and the gold firelizard's careful approach. "Ooh, look. Here she comes."

Niena nods, munching on her own soggy roll with a blissful expression. "There is very little better in the world then a sweetroll dunked in klah." She keeps the other hand, occupied by the roll, pretty much in place.

Keoahikamakaua is staring quite intently at the non-klah-dipped piece, and she cocks her head to the other side and lets out a high little chirrup in question, her head turning ever so slightly to look back to her eggs.

Lujayn covers a small laugh as the mother glances back to her eggs, her own roll long gone. "I'm keeping an eye on them," She attempts to placate Keo, voice soft and low. "Go ahead, look what Niena's giving you." She smiles hopefully.

Niena also smiles. "Believe me, there's no way I could get over to your eggs in the time it takes to eat this." She wriggles it a little as was demonstrated for her the other night, meanwhile dunking more of the roll proper into the klah.

Keoahikamakaua isn't worried about just those two candidates, as she takes another peek to her eggs before hopping off the chair in a flutter of wings. She's not as graceful as the little green firelizards darting about, but she manages to snag the pieces (and no fingers!) before gliding back to her perch on the bucket with a happy trill.

Lujayn is stubborn, but no matter how hard she tries, her eyelids keep falling. Eventually the girl rises, unable to stay even for the endearing firelizard feeding. "I really need to get to sleep, or else tomorrow will be awful." She laments on her way out, sneaking one last glance towards the waffling gold just in time to see Keo claim her treat. "See you later, Niena."

Niena says "Sleep well, and thank you for the roll." She smiles both in relief at her fingered state and toward Lujayn.

candidate, keoahikamakaua, niena

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