Rielsath's Seven Words

Aug 21, 2011 13:03

Who: Emme, Lujayn, Rhazekth, Rielsath, Riorde
Where: Living Caverns, HRW
When: Day 21, month 7, turn 26 of Interval 10.

Lu catches up with a couple of weyrlings over breakfast while Rielsath corrupts Rhazekth with profane words. They are probably up to no good.
Warning: adult language in dragonchat

After doing calisthenics, Emme *had* to run for the baths before trying to get food. The whole time, obviously, reassuring Rhaz that it's totally ok that he has a bit of time to himself. And she won't be long, honest! He's slowly getting used to this new routine, but breakfast is usually wolfed down in short order without much thought to what's being eaten. Today, at first glance, doesn't appear to be any exception. In the process of braiding her hair back out of her face the new brownrider is nudging a plate along the trestle table and dropping stuff onto it in a hurry. Klah is the last thing grabbed before she tries to find a free spot to sit.'.

Mornings are busy as a general rule, but Lujayn's been up for some time and has none of the frazzled second-month weyrling look about her. The junior looks up from her quiet end of a long table, no paperwork to be seen, just a half-empty plate and a newly filled mug. "You look like you could use a nap," She tries to catch Emme's attention in passing, "Did Rhaz have you up early, or is this the general state of the barracks right now?" She smiles, indicating an open seat across the table - it's been a while since they've chatted; Lu doesn't need much prompting to recall her own days as a newly Impressed rider.

A familiar voice! Emme latches onto it like a lifeline, turning a slightly glazed expression towards Lujayn before she startles into a smile. "Oh! Morning, Lujayn. I..yes, and yes. Calisthenics, and then I try to get a bath in. And then eat. Rhaz is still getting used to me not being there constantly. So..." her voice trails off when she folds into a seat. "I hear we start lessons soon. I think I'm the only one in the barracks that's really looking forward to that. And something about Mentors. We're suposed to get those too. So busy!"

Lujayn can't help but laugh, politely at least, when she hears Emme's plight. "It's all about the process, isn't it? You'll be used to it in.. oh, a few turns. I promise." "Yup, lessons and anatomy, everything fun like that. The dragons will learn too, through you, so that's some consolation. You won't have to go back and give mini-lessons of your own." Not being heavily involved with the weyrling staff, she can only listen and nod for the most part. "Mentors, lessons, all those bits of free time you thought you'd have once your dragon didn't eat every six hours going to other things. Yeah, it's busy." There's silence, letting the clatter of plates and conversation from the rest of the table wash over her before continuing. "You look like you're doing well." Half-done hair, mindless breakfast and all. "You made it here."

Dragon> To Rhazekth, Rielsath's mind flickers a bit sleepily, lighting a candle to chase away cloudy dawn mists. << Rhazekth. You're not /lonely/ in a barracks full of dragons, are you? >> Teasing can't mask her compassion for the younger brown, the soft light more for shared comfort than soothing her waking mind. << She'll come back. >>

Emme nods her agreement at first, because she is busy stuffing a pastry into her mouth and doesn't -really- want to spit crumbs out at the poor weyrwoman. "Anatomy should be... different. I've never learned anything like that before. But I bet Evali will love those lessons." she decides, once she's been able to go through a chew and swallow cycle. There's another couple of nods given, sips of klah preventing her speech. Which might be a good thing, else it would be ALL babble. "I think so. I feel as though we fit and we're doing well." she agrees, trying to encompass all of the exiles in that.

Dragon> To Rielsath, Rhazekth thinks the candle flame is something to play with, of course, as he's still young yet. And a tendril of sand rises up to swat playfully at it. << It is not the same unless Emme is there too! >> he points out, stating the obvious. But he's fast to accept the warmth and comfort being offered, opening a book beneath the candle next, to keep his mind occupied. << She will. Was this hard for you too? >>

"Why Evali?" Lujayn asks after one of the weyrlings with whom she's had less direct contact. "Is she rethinking the sea-monster thing now?" Or was that Iolene? She can't quite remember which islanders didn't take to the concept of 'dragon' right off the bat. "It's harder than it sounds. A lot of memorization, and not just for the exam like some harper classes are. You have to remember this stuff for life." Wow. Early morning downer ahoy. "I haven't heard of any more fights, at least. That's good!" She stumbles back in an attempt to keep the conversation light. Meaning either there are no fights or they're better at hiding it. Either way, no news is good news.

Dragon> The flame gutters out all at once as it's doused with sand, but Rielsath fuses an ember to each grain of sand as Rhazekth's mind sweeps through her own. There, light. << She's there, right, in your mind? It's different from being /there/ there. >> The candle reappears as a circle of little flames, bending closer to the book to see if there are any words written on the page. << What's that? What have you been learning? >> She spies unabashedly. (Rielsath to Rhazekth)

"Evali was a midwife on the Island, and was looking in to being a Healer; joining the craft. I just think she'll find it the most interesting, of all of us." There's a pause, and a furrowed brow then, before Emme shakes her head. "That was more Iolene and Khorde with the sea monster thing." she explains, nodding at the warning of how diferent some of this new learning is going to be. "That's good. I look forward to it then. Even if that makes me a little... off." the girl jokes, apparently not taking it as a downer at all! "There's some bickering and disagreement. But apparently we've at least kept it all from coming to blows again. I can't imagine what set that off in the first place."

Dragon> To Rielsath, Rhazekth stares at the glowing bits of sand for what might be an eternity before replying. << Yes, she's always here in my mind with me. I like that. >> As the candle flames loom closer to his open book, he flutters a breeze across it, making them flicker even more. << Something called etiquette. And the weyr command structure. We go over this again and again, since Emme is still unfamiliar with it. >> The slow scrawl of words indicate that even while breakfasting, the harper is communicating and memorizing.

Lujayn thinks that one over, swirling her mug to catch up any tasty dregs. "If you're good at it, you could consider dragonhealing - or anyone could. I always liked having something practical to do with knowledge instead of letting it clog my brain. After weyrlinghood, that is. Don't want too many kettles in the fire," Her own speech is somewhat fragmented and tired, so Lu doesn't notice Emme's own scattered conversation. Must be a morning thing. "Didn't mean to bring that up," She winces apologetically, "It's in the past. And it's just that.. well, I'm not exactly there every day with you guys, so news sticks with me. Maybe they'll have me mentoring, that might stop me from thinking of you guys as a bunch of hooligans." A teasing wink. "Did you read up on dragons at all when you were poring through the archives? Or was that just for history?"

Dragon> To Rhazekth, Rielsath draws away just in time to keep her zealous flames from engulfing Rhazekth's endless book, a gust of icy Reaches wind trying to flip the pages to something more interesting. << That's like keeping people happy, and making sure no one gets upset with you, but it's going to happen anyway, >> The gold asserts with an impatient drip of hot wax, burning bright before fading into darkness. Something heavy clatters open in her mind, waking more fully. << You should learn about flying. That's better. >>

"I could." Emme thinks about that for a moment, a glance out towards the bowl obviously meant to convey that she's conferring with Rhazekth. "But I think we might be better with things more Harper related." she admits, popping a last bit of pastry into her mouth and then waving a hand dismissively at the apology. "Sometimes it seems that we bring about the misconceptions about ourselves all on our own. Coupled with the things beyond our control... well, Rhaz and I just figure we'll let our own actions stand for themselves. Hopefully others of us will do the same, right?" The thought of herself as a hooligan makes her laugh. Really laugh. "Honestly, all that time I spent in the archives was for history. Hoping to find something to help the exiles. It was sort-sighted of me."

Dragon> To Rielsath, Rhazekth gleefully watches pages flipping, and battles the icy wind with a gust of hot desert air. Hopefully, this will not cause a tornado. << Oh, wait. I know what that is called! >> he exclaims, nosing through a couple of pages to show off a single word: Inevitable. << Mine says she inevitably pisses people off. Oh... I wasn't supposed to word it like that? Right... She inevitably makes people upset with her, because she asks too many questions and won't take no for an answer. >> There, pleased with himself, he perks up further at the mention of flying. << I hope we learn this soon! I want to use my WINGS! >>

Lujayn follows Emme's head turn automatically before realizing she's still used to the physical aspect of talking to a dragon. At least she isn't chattering out loud to him in the middle of the living cavern. "It's good to know your strengths," She admits. "And weaknesses, too. As long as you get a balance of everything in there, you'll be okay." Really. Lu promises! "You could still help the exiles. There are plenty of people who aren't happy about seeing more than half the clutch Impressed to islanders, as stupid as that sounds. I like your idea. Actions do speak louder than words." Let's hope they have some damn big actions. "Would've been nice if everyone made friends once the hatching furor died down, but the truth..." Sigh. It's too early for deep conversation, but Lu is managing. "People don't change so easily."

Dragon> To Rhazekth, Rielsath lets the icy and hot winds duke it out on their own, watching a small puff of static spark and dissipate quickly. Just for fun. << That's a good word. >> She angles closer to the dictionary-like heading, committing it to an albeit brief memory. Maybe Lujayn will put it in her repertoire, at least. Little firebugs flicker here and there, crawling over the pages out of the shadows. << Piss is fine, >> She sparks with laughter at Rhaz's near-bashfulness. << There are a lot of good words out there. >> Hmm. A mischievous light, glow-under-the-blanket-like, suffuses the area. << I could teach you. >> Wings, or curse words? Both are open for discussion.

"I think the blooded have more then enough help. Once we graduate, I'm going to see what I can do to help the others." Emme's reply is simple, just like that, and without any detail. And for once, the pleasant and soft spoken girl's tone takes on a closed edge to it. So, she changes it! "Plenty of people will just have to live with it. It's done and there's nothing to be changed about it now. But enough of all that! What is it that you like to do in your spare time? We always seem to wind up discussing depressing things."

Dragon> To Rielsath, Rhazekth apparently sees an opportunity here to shock his lifemate. And he is going to take it! << Yes, teach me! >> the litle brown encourages, protectively swirling a storm of sand around to block out prying minds. << Words, and wings! Words and wings. >> He is far too excited by this prospect.

Despite being a morning person used to being up at the crack of dawn or before, Riorde looks uncountably groggy as she winds her way through the main caverns. She hardly looks right and left, movements that of an automaton: porridge, check; klah, no milk and two spoonfuls of sweetener, check. Only then does she seem to recognise her surroundings and look for a place to sit, sliding in next to her fellow exile-weyrling, Emme with a grunt that suffices for a hello.

Lujayn doesn't mind taking the hint, following the trail of conversation with enthusiasm. "Right! It's in the past, so there's nothing to be done about it. You don't have to explain yourself to them for having someone like Rhazekth in your life, now." Hm? Herself? It's obviously more interesting to discuss someone else's daily life than recite your own. "Spare time is much better than working time. I try not to bum around too much in here, but sometimes it's the only place I can catch up with people." Proof: busy weyrlings scarfing breakfast. "Ri and I go trekking out of the Weyr a lot, for a change of scenery. But most lately I've been trying to fix up her ledge-" Then there's Riorde, who gets an equally short greeting from the rider. "Early for you?"

Emme grins, rueful. "Faranth help anyone who questions the dragonets choices anyway. We have some tempremental ones that might take exception." she jokes. Maybe only partly joking; their tempers are already legendary remember? And speaking of one such... "Riorde, hey. Gulp that klah." She kows the other weyrling isn't exactly talkative until she's more awake. "The others going to be sliding in soon?"

Dragon> To Rhazekth, Rielsath's firebugs wiggle with delight, scuttling away as she plucks a rather well-used book to pile on top of Rhazekth's instructional tome. << Here, let's see. What do you know? Shards, shells, damn, piss, >> Flip flip flip, those are boring. << Fuck. Fucking hell. /Flying/ fuck. >> There are the wings, as requested. There isn't much context behind the words, leaving the weyrling to figure out the correct usage through trial and error. Fuzzy images swim into view, maybe people from Lu's mind to fit some less savory descriptors. Childlike, giddy secretiveness builds, a couple of kids trying out dirty words. << Bitch, whore, cunt, jackass, prick, >> Hopefully he's paying attention. It's not much fun to just list words without hurling them at someone. << Inevitable. >> See, she learned too. Even if that's not an insult, it is still a Good Word.

For a minute, Riorde looks at Lujayn with a look of incomprehension. Setting her things down on the table, she follows Emme's instructions without further delay, hissing against the heat. It slows her down a little, but the mug's still half-empty when she sets it down. "Not early," she says after her last swallow. "He's just not sleeping nights." She doesn't say who 'he' is, riding on the assumption that it's the sort of thing that goes without saying. "Was okay the first night, but this is the fifth." Emme's question about the others gets a shrug as Ri applies herself to her porridge.

"Ouch," Lujayn winces. "Not so bad when they can stay up without keeping /you/ up, but.. yeah, ouch. Too bad there aren't more insomniac dragonets, we could have a nocturnal class." Between the two weyrlings, she tries as always to spin some good out of an annoying situation. "It's not as fun unless they're bursting with their own personality, isn't it? I couldn't imagine a dragon trailing along behind me instead of doing her own thing. Er, his own thing." Little does she know.

Dragon> To Rielsath, Rhazekth huddles over this old book, his muzzle practically pressed right up against it while he soaks up many of these new words. The skittering of scarabs in the distance starts to loom closer, and closer... until he washes them away in a flood of rain when a moment of comprehension strikes. << Those ARE good words. But these are ones we say to ourselves so that we don't upset other people, right? Unless we /want/ to upset someone... >> Dingding! He's learning. He's practically leaping up and down in his excitement over this new vocabulary.

"Maybe once they join in with us for exercises, he'll be too exhausted to stay up at night." Emme suggests helpfully. Er, hopefully. "Is it because he wants to go explore, or just because he can't stop thinking and processing?" Because she's curious of course. And probably feeling a bit bad for her fellow weyrling. "I would say they're definitely starting to assert those separate personalities about now. It's kind of fun to hear of what all the other dragonets are saying and thinking." There's still some fruit left on her plate from when she scraped breakfast together, and she nudges it Riorde's way, in case the other girl wants to add it to her porridge.

Dragon> The diatribe continues rather methodically, Rielsath reciting from her book. The pages are there for Rhazekth's inspection, egged on by his enthusiasm. The bugs are still buzzing, lighting up the best words as she scans the list. << Shit, bullshit. >> Hm? Oh, conversation. Right. << I use 'em when I want, not too much I guess. But they're handy. Lu doesn't say them a lot to other people. >> There's certainly the potential for it. << And you can make things up, too. Those aren't as mean, either, just fun. Wherrytits. Dungface. >> This is the more creative side, the fun part. << Motherfucking cow. Hey, you try. >> Unadulterated glee, phosphorous stars lighting the secret space. Rhaz is a quick study. (Rielsath to Rhazekth)

"I'm sure we'll fall asleep later on in the middle of something important," Riorde tries to joke, glancing up. A flicker of doubt shows hen Lujayn mentions the word 'fun,' though she nods. "Exploring," she clarifies as she helps herself to Emme's fruit, tipping the plate and using her fingers to push the fruit into her bowl. "He's not really the thinking type."

Dragon> To Rielsath, Rhazekth tries so hard to remember all of these, incorporating them into his vast array of vocabulary so that he can display them in all their glory for Eme at just the right (ie - wrong) time. << Me try? >> Ooooooooooh. He flips back and forth between the pages, trying to find a fun combination or two. << How about... Fuckface! Turdbrain. Shitstain...Ovineballs! >> He starts listing all these off, pausing in his diatribe to look for approval of course.

Lujayn gleans what she can from Riorde's tired explanations, trying to piece together a name from Rielsath's distracted mind. "Well! That's a start. Sforzath, isn't it?" The rider's rambling a little bit, trying to catch up some of the ground between the weyrlings, familiar with each other, and herself - not so much. "Better falling asleep in a lecture than on the wing, which isn't really an option right now. Getting it out of his system and all that." It might be a bad time, but she can't resist asking: "Where does he explore?"

Dragon> To Rhazekth, Rielsath flutters the pages again, finding blank space to stamp the new creations in. The scrawled words are in all different hands, a number of sources contributing to this work of art. << Good! Those are all good. >> Not one bad thing to say about the bad words, though if she did it would probably be more profanity at this point. << Bloody fucking brilliant. I think that's sarcasm, which is different from an insult but also kind of one? >> That nuance isn't clear to her, not usually. Each word is a bright splash of color on a dull, dark background, painting the world around them a messy rainbow of free speech. << Twat, >> She declares rather proudly, nearly obscene lemon yellow. Less imagery, more straightforward colors and words alone. << That is a very good one for people you don't like. >> Then there are gray areas, the dangerous social faux pas. << Faggot is a good-bad word, I don't know, at holds? >> That's quite outside her personal knowledge. << That's not so bad here. >>

Emme appears sympathetic, though she doesn't quite have the same problem. "Fifth night in a row... think he's almost done? It's a big place, but I can't imagine how he's not exhausting himself after only a short trip." She waits for the answer to where Riorde's brown is exploring as well, eyebrow raised expectantly. In the meantime, she sips at her klah and tries to figure out just what is amusing her own lifemate so much right now.

Riorde nods again, this time as Lujayn names her dragon. She uses her spoon to mix in the fruit before starting to eat. "Dunno," she replies to Emme, hesitating before her answer. "Not like we've had one before. Bet Evali's got it easiest. At least she's used to babies." Birthing them, not necessarily caring for them, but Riorde doesn't make a distinction. "He keeps heading for the pens. Kept him out so far -- I don't think he gets that he's too small for it."

Dragon> To Rielsath, Rhazekth is inordinately proud of himself so have contributed to the vast book of impropriety! He even starts a chapter in his tome of knowledge to scrawl out all these new and delicious ways ox expressing displeasure. And when he hears the word 'twat', his headknobs twitch a little, a moment of inspiration hitting him. << TWATWAFFLE! >> he exclaims, excitedly. << Tomaeran is a TWATWAFFLE. You're right, that /is/ a good one for people I don't like. >> It is, of course, the gray areas that require extra atention, his talons tapping out a quiet beat while he takes in the differences. << If it's not bad here, then there's no point to use it really. It would seem. Right? >>

"Did you try getting him a calf? Or one of the small ones? Sometimes they'll let 'em practice on the slower or really little ones. But he might be young for that." It slips Lujayn's memory momentarily just how little the weyrlings still are. Probably has something to do with their mature counterparts. "Curiosity is a good thing in my book. Means he won't be after you at six months to be cutting up meat for him, much less hand-feeding." As for the nighttime wakefulness, "No chance you can dose him with fellis?"

Dragon> To Rhazekth, Rielsath pauses, lights whirling and flickering with electric sparks. << Waffle? >> That doesn't sound like a particularly nasty word. But when paired with twat, they're off and running. << Twatwaffle. Porcine-spanker. >> She doesn't know or much care who this Tomaeran is, as long as the creative words are going to good use. << I know, I know! >> A happy little hop. Gone is the secretive air of their library, now proud and colorful - enter at your own risk. << Well, if you want t'make people angry or rile them up, it's good. Or if you use a lot of them about the Weyrleaders. To their /face/. >> Oooh. Double-dare you.

Dragon> To Rielsath, Rhazekth pauses in his happydance, wings settling into place and an air of curiousity replacing the illicit celebration. << Call the Weyrleaders faggots? So that hey can hear me say it? Or is this just calling them that where only Emme hears it. >> The terms of the dare have to be clearly drawn before he can decide if he's going to take this risk or not.

Dragon> To Rhazekth, Rielsath has to pause as well, taking the time to survey. << Maybe not to the people. Like, Iovniath or Cadejoth. If it's just your rider - hey, it would be funny if she said it. But she wouldn't, >> Chasing each other in circles, the little sparks hum. << You make her sound very, very nice to people. >> It's hard to tell if that's a good or a bad thing, and probably isn't in either category. Rielsath plots. << Call them whatever you want, it'd be hilarious to watch them get shitfaced. >>

Looking up suddenly, there is perhaps a bit of a pale sheen to Emme's face. "I... they /practice/ on the animals? Please tell me they're dead first." That's as close to pleading as she normally gets. "I mean.. maybe I shouldn' think about this at breakfast." the girl decides, going back to sipping at her klah and glancing between the other two in order to watch how this conversation develops.

Riorde is unaccustomed enough to dragons to actually think Lujayn's on to something. "He'll like that," she says with real pleasure that wakes her up a bit. That plus the klah. It's stark contrast to Emme's reaction; Riorde never blinks at the idea of her dragon taking down a live animal. Perhaps it'll be different when she actually sees it, feels it for the first time. "Fellis?" she repeats, a bit blank. "What'll that do?"

Dragon> To Rielsath, Rhazekth glances both ways, as if ensuring there's nobody listening in when he confesses. << Oh she gets *really* mad at people. But only once has she called someone names to their face. Usually she just says it in her head. >> And as the queen plots, he listens. << This could be interesting. Their reactions will tell me a lot! >> Assuming Emme is unable to stop him from moving forward with this plan.

"They'll start hunting before they can really fly," Lujayn affirms, "Not on the whole herd, just with a select few to get the feel of it. Ri tore out a talon one of her first times -" Right, that's not good breakfast conversation, but the experiential information is worth the retelling. "It's good practice, all in all." To Riorde, she explains: "You wouldn't use it on a dragon, not that I know of. It's a juice from the fellis plant that keeps people knocked out if they need it, or otherwise conveniently calm. They might cover some basic healer info with the dragon lessons, so you can keep both of you healthy."

"So they'll... really be..." Hrk. Emme's stomach likes this thought even less then her brain does. And she needs time to process it. Something about her expression suggests she realizes she has to learn how to deal with this. But OH is it ever distasteful. "I think I should see what Rhaz is up to." she decided abruptly, as if only now realizing that the little brown is plotting something that doesn't bode well. "Catch you both soon!" Bolt.

Dragon> To Rhazekth, Rielsath illuminates the area with a variety of lights, sunny and bright, sneaky and dim, twinkly, flashy, busy. << You have a lot of good ideas. You should use them! >> She doesn't specify which ones, rather leaving the brown to his own devices. Her own book of less-appropriate words is left behind for him to study as her own mind recedes, focusing on something more pressing now that she's indoctrinated another young mind with objectionable habits. << Let me know how it goes. Or, if you do it right I'll probably hear before you can even tell me. >> That's the last encouragement before the gold departs, an icy wind turning all the pages and dousing the candles - just in case someone comes spying on their work.

"You don't use it on dragons -- but you said --" Riorde starts to realise that Lujayn's suggestion is likely a joke and cuts herself off about the time that Emme starts making her excuses. "See you," she calls into Emme's wake; the other girl's already gone. Emme's flight starts to spur her own, acting as a cue to make her eat quicker. "He'll be up again soon."

Lujayn realizes just how long she must have been lazing around the living cavern, judging by the arrival and departure of two weyrlings before she's even thought about moving from the table. "Thanks for the reminder," She comments after Emme. She's a bit distracted now, trying to search Rielsath's mind and coming up with a wall. "Up to something, those dragons." Lu shakes her head and smiles. "Don't choke yourself. I'd better make sure Ri's doing okay before the day really starts. Take it easy, okay?" Hopefully Riorde won't find herself a night owl for much longer. Collecting her abandoned dishes, Lu's off with a jaunty wave.

emme, rielsath, @hrw, riorde, rhazekth

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