Stargazing and such

Mar 26, 2011 23:16

Who: Lujayn, Madilla
What: Lu meets Madilla, a journeyman healer.
Where: Lake Shore, HRW
When: 21:08 of day 25, month 4, turn 25 of Interval 10

The weather is cool and damp, but not actually /wet/, though the ground underfoot is distinctly muddy from previous days' efforts. To combat the mud, Madilla has her skirts bunched in one hand, and is weaving her way carefully along the lake shore. Her efforts haven't made too much of a difference, since she's undeniably muddied, but perhaps it makes her feel better to try. As the wind comes up, she shivers into her shawl, turning her head towards the darkened sky and those few stars that gleam through the thick cloudcover.

Lujayn isn't moving, a silent figure set back from the wet sand on what small shoots of grass have come to greet the spring season. She's also stargazing, but the wandering figure of

Madilla catches her eye. Watching the young woman for a minute, Lu decides to stand and at least make her presence a bit more noticeable. Just in case Madilla doesn't want to be watched at her precarious lake-walking. Coat slung over one shoulder, the rider takes several steps towards the lake, admiring the ripples and reflections there from the night sky.
The wind isn't strong enough to cover the sound of footfalls that aren't Madilla's own; it's enough, then, that the young healer shifts her attention hurriedly away from the sky, seeking out the other figure through the gloom. "Oh," she says, sounding-- not surprised, as such. Perhaps it's merely the first thing that comes to mind. "I didn't realise anyone else was out here; hello." Damp sand sloshes under her feet as she takes a few steps closer.

"It's one of the first decent nights to be out. Surprised more people aren't taking advantage." She traces Madilla's muddy path down the banks, footsteps half-washed away under the moons' light. "Not as busy this time of day - aren't your feet a little cold?" She asks, turning the conversation quickly. "Wherever you're going next, no one's gonna thank you for tracking it in." Not that she minds; it won't be /her/ weyr.
"I think," says Madilla, sounding amused, "that most people are waiting for even nicer nights. Is it just me, or does this spring seem more wet than usual?" No sooner has she said this, than, if her expression is anything to go by, she recognises the other woman for who she is: her lips are pushed together tightly, and her cheeks turn pink. Hastily; "I'll wash my boots before I go in, Weyrwoman. I do know better than to track it through the Caverns."

"If they wait too long, it'll be summer and too humid.." The rider begins before Madilla's second comment, immdeiately softening. "I was teasing," Lu amends, a helpless smile on her face. "You look old enough to be sensible.." Searching for a name or a knot and finding neither in the darkness, she shrugs instead. "I don't know about wetter than usual, honestly. Anything seems too wet after the desert. I'm going to have to stop using that excuse one day or another, but now it's pretty legitimate." She laughs lightly, looking back to all the darkened weyrs. "Better for some solitude than bonfires out here every night, I think."

Madilla's blush darkens, though it's hard to see that through the semi-dark. Again, with haste, "Madilla. Journeyman Healer." Silent for a moment after that, she draws her mouth together; thoughtful. And then: "I think you have a fair few months, at least, before that stops being an excuse. I've been to Igen - it must be a strange transition." She twists a strange of dark hair behind one ear, a gesture she doesn't even seem to be aware of performing. "I like the quiet. And the dark. It would be nicer if the skies were clear, though, and we could /see/ the stars. Properly."

Lujayn's own face shows a hint of blush as greetings are exchanged. "Lujayn. I should have known that. It's not like I lived under a rock while I was here. Though you were likely an apprentice then?" Musing out loud, Lu cants her head to one side. "I've got a farviewer up in my weyr. Just a small one, not like the starsmiths used, but it can get you a little closer to the stars than standing in the mud." Right now the moons are enough, thankfully casting some wan light upon the scene, but nothing really compares to the sight of a complete constellation. "Next time I come here at night, I'll remember to bring it."

The healer nods, firmly: she knows who her companion is. Nonetheless; "I wouldn't have expected you to have known me - or remembered me. I was an Apprentice, yes. I walked the tables in turn 21." Her blush fades as she speaks, and her shoulders straighten, as though she's retaking her composure. "Oh, a /farviewer/. I've seen them before, a little. It would be lovely to see them closer; the stars, I mean. All of it." Though the curve of her mouth tightens ruefully as she glances up again. After all, it was not so far from here that the weyr was gathered on an ominous night with farviewers only a handful of turns ago.

Lujayn follows Madilla's gaze and sighs softly, stepping back towards the rock and grass of the bowl. Those Star Stones look pretty straight to her, after all. All in the past? "I'll try to come out when the weather's nice. I don't think I'd ever buy one, not for myself, but y'know it was a graduation gift.." As if she has to explain how she came to own such an uncommon object. "Visited the healers' often enough, I ought to have remembered you. Sorry 'bout that." Lu finally tears her eyes away from the sky, hands in her pockets. "Closest you can get would be on top of some mountain, /then/ with a farviewer. But you can use it if we run into each other. Promise." She doesn't leave quite yet, waiting to see if she's missed anything.

"I'd like that," says Madilla, earnestly. "I'll keep an eye out for you. I often walk out here, after my little girl has gone to sleep. It's a nice way to wind down." She gives a firm, hard shake of her head as she continues, noting, "No, please, there's no need to apologise. One can't be expected to remember /every/ face, after all, surely - especially not after all these turns." Smiling genuinely, she adds, though her voice is softer. "I did mean to say: welcome back. Home. It is home, isn't it? That's important." The tip of her head is probably intended to echo the words that accompany it: "Have a pleasant evening."

@emit "Oh, yes." Lujayn replies more absently. "It is home, for Rielsath and me too." She looks towards the lower queens' ledges with a fond smile before facing Madilla. "It's always a pleasant surprise to find someone who's interested in the same things as I am. I don't know much about Healing, sorry to say." She jokes, but the rider is tired and takes the opportunity to turn her boots towards home-within-home. "Thank you for the welcome. I hope to see you soon." Then the darkness swallows another figure, marked only by a soft rumble of familiarity in the distance.

$rielsath, @hrw, madilla

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