-A Stitch in Time by Andrew J. Robinson [Star Trek Deep Space Nine #27]-
"Humans seem to walk through life's infinite variety of relationships and situations taking them all at face value. They rarely look behind the façade or the mask, where real intentions-the truth of our motives-live. And the fact is, more often than not they deny that they have any mask at all. These humans (and I do exclude you, Doctor-I will come to that shortly) believe that what they present to the world and, conversely, what the world presents to them, is the truth. It's this belief that makes them dangerous."
"So much of what we see and hear is not the truth of any given situation; sometimes it's necessary to close the eyes and be still, to extend our awareness beyond what we've been conditioned to believe is our field of sensory operation. Only then can we learn the patience to trust that all the information that we need will come to us."
"'But you see . . . that's just the problem. Each group has its own agenda. You're all so busy finding reasons to dislike each other that you don't have the will or the energy to find common ground.'"
"I've been included in the invasion of Cardassian space, regardless of how limited its ambition and scope or when it takes place; the rest of it-recognition, medals, monuments-is truly not important to me. What is important is that I feel that I am necessary, that I function with all my faculties in the service of a greater cause."
"'Look at people, Elim . . . Observe them. The way they walk and talk, the way they hold themselves and eat their meals. That's what they believe about themselves. Is it the 'truth'? Are they really that way? I don't know. Perhaps it is a lie. But what people lie about the most are themselves, and these become the stories they believe and want to tell you.'"
"'They tell us their truth, Elim, and we are here to learn how to listen . . . You're so serious, Elim, so glum that even before you open your mouth you're telling a story. But the nonverbal stories are the most dangerous, because they can be interpreted any number of ways. You have to smile, because you have power. If you listen to people with the look you have on your face right now, they'll suspect that you'll disapprove or criticize or-even worse-laugh at their stories. And there's nothing worse than being ridiculed.'"
"Let the ones without power scowl and make fierce faces. You smile. It's an invitation to connect with another person. And once the invitation is accepted, relax and listen . . . you'll come to know as much as you'll ever need to about that person."
"If you've mastered a tool or technique . . . then there are others who have done the same before
"'Whatever your mind conceives or imagines already exists in the world. It doesn't make the thought or conception any less valuable; it just means that this technique you've discovered must be used carefully, and with the understanding that if you use it against other people, it can also be used against you.'"
"It is so curious how we can learn to live with just about any condition or situation if we believe we have no choice."
"But the best part-which nearly drove me mad at the beginning-is the solitude, the silence in which I work. Although I did my best to use this work to blot out every thing and person from my past, I couldn't help but recall that initial joy I found in the Mekar Wilderness. For it's in this silence, as I cut and sew and measure, that I'm re-learning how to listen. Not to the prattling of others, certainly not to the fantasies that my memory provokes when I try to rewrite history. But to the deeper voices in myself. What is pain, for example, but another voice to be listened to? Don't identify. Keep your distance. But listen! There's information that can help me find the missing piece to any puzzle; that can save me from this waking nightmare. Because it's in this silence-as I listen to these voices-that I'm learning how to reinvent myself."
"As I said, I'm an unfinished man reassembling the pieces of a broken world, and I have asked you to be a witness because you would never judge me as harshly as I judge myself. You would never deny me the opportunity of a second chance."
"Someone once said that democracy was the flawed solution to a perfect mess . . . and I absolutely agree."
"'Is this your vaunted democracy, Doctor? To be subjected to the opinion of any person who has the breath to utter one? How does anything get accomplished?'"
"I shall never fear or avoid things of which I do not know, whether they may not be good rather than things that I know to be bad."
-Socrates; Plato's 'Apology'
"When they reach manhood they are lovers of youth, and are not naturally inclined to marry or beget children,--if at all, they do so only in obedience to the law; but they are satisfied if they may be allowed to live with one another unwedded; and such a nature is prone to love and ready to return love, always embracing that which is akin to him. And when one of them meets with his other half, the actual half of himself, whether he be a lover of youth or a lover of another sort, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy, and one will not be out of the other's sight, as I may say, even for a moment: these are the people who pass their whole lives together; yet they could not explain what they desire of one another. For the intense yearning which each of them has towards the other does not appear to be the desire of lover's intercourse, but of something else which the soul of either evidently desires and cannot tell, and of which she has only a dark and doubtful presentiment."
-Aristophanes; Plato's 'Symposium'
"Now when the charioteer beholds the vision of love, and has his whole soul warmed through sense, and is full of the prickings and ticklings of desire, the obedient steed, then as always under the government of shame, refrains from leaping on the beloved; but the other, heedless of the pricks and of the blows of the whip, plunges and runs away, giving all manner of trouble to his companion and the charioteer, whome he forces to approach the beloved and to remember the joys of love. They at first indignantly oppose him and will not be urged on to do terrible and unlawful deeds; but at least, when he persists in plaguing them, they yield and agree to do as he bids them. And now they are at the spot and behold the flashing beauty of the beloved; which the charioteer sees, his memory is carried to the true beauty, whom he beholds in company with Modesty like an image placed upon a holy pedestal. He sees her, but he is afraid and falls backwards in adoration, and by his fall is compelled to pull back the reins with such violence as to bring both the steeds on their haunces, the one willing and unresisting, the unruly one very unwilling; and when they have gone back a little, the one is overcome with shame and wonder, and his whole soul is bathed in perspiration; the other, when the pain is over which the bridle and the fall had given him, having with difficulty taken breath, is full of wrath and reproaches, which he heaps upon the charioteer and his fellow-steed, for want of courage and manhood, declaring that they have been false to their agreement and guilty of desertion. Again they refuse, and again he urges them on, and will scarce yield to their prayer that he would wait until another time. . . . And when they are near he stoops his head and puts up his tail, and takes the bit in his teeth and pulls shamelessly. Then the charioteer is worse off than ever; he falls back like a racer at the barrier, and with a still more violent wrench drags the bit out of the teeth of the wild steed and covers his abusive tongue and jaws with blood, and forces his legs and haunches to the ground and punishes him sorely. And when this has happened several times and the villain has ceased from his wanton way, he is tamed and humbled, and follows the will of the charioteer, and when he sees the beautiful one he is ready to die of fear. And from that time forward the soul of the lover follows the beloved in modesty and holy fear."
-Socrates; Plato's 'Phaedrus'
"And thus he loves, but he knows not what; he does not understand and cannot explain his own state; he appears to have caught the infection of blindness from another; the lover is his mirror in whom he is beholding himself, but he is not aware of this. When he is with the lover, both cease from their pain, but when he is away then he longs as he is longed for, and has love's image, love for love lodging in his breast, which he calls and believes to be not love but frienship only, and his desire is as the desire of the other, but weaker; he wants to see him, touch him, kiss him, embrace him, and probably not long afterwards his desire is accomplished. When they meet, the wanton steed of the lover has a word to say to the charioteer; he would like to have a little pleasure in return for many pains, but the wanton steed of the beloved says not a word, for he is bursting with passion which he understands not;--he throws his arms round the lover and embraces him as his dearest friend; and, when they are side by side, he is not in a state in which he can refure the lover anything, if he ask him; although his fellow-steed and the charioteer oppose him with the arguments of shame and reason."
-Socrates; Plato's 'Phaedrus'
". . . and when the time comes at which they receive their wings they have the same plumage because of their love."
-Socrates; Plato's 'Phaedrus'
"I must first know myself, as the Delphian inscription says; to be curious about that which is not my concern, while I am still in ignorance of my own self, would be ridiculous."
-Socrates; Plato's 'Phaedrus'
"It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson; 'Self-Reliance'
"'What do you think of yourself? What do you think of the world? . . . These are questions with which all must deal as it seems good to them. They are riddles of the Sphinx, and in some way or other we must deal with them. . . . In all important transactions of life we have to take a leap in the dark. . . . If we decide to leave the riddles unanswered, that is a choice; if we waver in our answer, that, too, is a choice: but whatever choice we make, we make it at our peril. If a man chooses to turn his back altogether on God and the future, no one can prevent him; no one can show beyond reasonable doubt that he is mistaken. If a man thinks otherwise and acts as he thinks, I do not see that any one can prove that he is mistaken. Each must act as he thinks best; and if he is wrong, so must the worse for him. We stand on a mountain pass in the midst of whirling snow and blinding mist, through which we get glimpses now and then of paths which may be deceptive. If we stand still we shall be frozen to death. If we take the wrong road we shall be dashed to pieces. We do not certainly know whether there is any right one. What must we do? 'Be strong and of a good courage.' Act for the best, hope for the best, and take what comes. . . . If death ends all, we cannot meet death better.'"
-Fitz James Stephen, as quoted in William James' 'The Will to Believe'
"Some years ago I was struck by the large number of falsehoods that I had accepted as true in my childhood, and by the highly doubtful nature of the whole edifice that I had subsequently based on them. I realized that it was necessary, once in the course of my life, to demolish everything completely and start again right from the foundations if I wanted to establish anything at all in the sciences that was stable and likely to last."
-Descartes; First Meditation [from Meditations on First Philosophy]
"'Him do I hate even as the gates of hell who says one thing while he hides another in his heart; therefore I will say what I mean.'"
-Achilles, The Iliad
"I do not insist that my argument is right in all other respects, but I would contend at all costs in both word and deed as far as I could that we will be better men, braver and less idle, if we believe that one must search for the things one does not know, rather than if we believe that it is not possible to find out what we do not know and that we must not look for it."
-Socrates; Plato's 'Meno'
"'Go, therefore, into battle, and show yourself the man you have been always proud to be.'"
-Agamemnon, to Idomeneus; The Iliad
"Do you think it right to talk about things one does not know as if one knew them? Have you never noticed that opinions not based on knowledge are ugly things?"
-Socrates; Plato's 'Republic'
"The preventative function of government, however, is far more liable to be abused, to the prejudice of liberty, than the punitory function; for there is hardly any part of the legitimate freedom of action of a human being which would not admit of being represented, and fairly, too, as increasing the facilities for some form or other of delinquency."
-John Stuart Mill; On Liberty
"But there is no parity between the feeling of a person for his own opinion and the feeling of another who is offended at his holding it, no more than between the desire of a thief to take a purse and the desire of the right owner to keep it. And a person's taste is as much his own peculiar concern as his opinion or his purse."
-John Stuart Mill; On Liberty
"But the peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is that it is robbing the human race, posterity as well as the existing generation--those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth; if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth produced by its collision with error."
-John Stuart Mill; On Liberty
". . . the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant."
-John Stuart Mill; On Liberty
". . . we have the right to believe at our own risk any hypothesis that is live enough to tempt out will."
-William James
"Like I always say, there's no 'I' in team. There's a 'me' though, if you jumble it up."
-Dr. Gregory House; House, M.D.
"My candle burns at both ends,
It will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends-
It gives a lovely light!"
-Edna St. Vincent Millay, "First Fig"
". . . Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man's heart, and the fall through the
air of the true, wise friend called Piggy."
-William Golding, Lord of the Flies
"I may disagree with what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it."
-[Attributed to] Voltaire
"It is better to be hated for what one is than loved for what one is not."
-André Gide
"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
"'Tis better to lean toward doubt than assurance, in things hard to prove and dangerous to believe."
-St. Augustine
-Star Trek-
"What do you think?"
"It's vile."
"I know. It's so bubbly, cloying, and happy."
"Just like the Federation."
"But you know what's really frightening? If you drink enough of it, you begin to like it."
"It's insidious."
"Just like the Federation."
-Quark and Garak, on root beer; "The Way of the Warrior"
"Out there, there are no saints...just people. Angry, scared, determined people who are going to do whatever it takes to survive."
-Sisko; "The Maquis, Part II"
"...The point is, if you lie all the time, nobody's going to believe you even when you're telling the truth."
"Are you sure that's the point, Doctor?"
"Of course, what else could it be?"
"That you should never tell the same lie twice."
-Bashir and Garak, on the boy who cried wolf; "Improbable Cause"
"All this talk of gods strikes me as nothing more than superstitious nonsense."
-Weyoun; "Tears of the Prophets"
"Maybe we weren't meant for Paradise. Maybe we were meant to fight our way through, struggle, claw our way up, scratch for every inch of the way. Maybe we can't stroll to the music of the lute, we must march to the sound of drums."
-Kirk; "This Side of Paradise"
"It's asking questions . . . Is this all that I am? Is there nothing more?"
-Spock, on V'Ger; ST:TMP
"V'ger has knowledge that spans this universe, yet with all its pure logic, V'ger is barren, cold. No mystery, no beauty . . . Jim. This simple feeling is beyond V'ger's comprehension. No meaning, no hope. Jim, no answers. It's asking questions . . . is this all that I am? Is there nothing more?"
-Spock, on V'ger; ST:TMP
"You can't simply say 'today I will be brilliant.'"
-Captain Kirk; "The Ultimate Computer"
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid."
-Q; "Q Who"
"Yes, they might be killed and that is unfortunate, but there comes a time when the odds are against you and the only reasonable course of action is to quit!"
"Is that what they taught you at the Obsidian Order? To give up when things get tough?"
"As a matter of fact they did. That's why I've managed to stay alive while most of my colleagues are dead. Because I know when to walk away."
-Garak and Bashir; "Our Man Bashir"
"A real intelligence agent has no ego, no conscience, no remorse. Only a sense of professionalism and mine is telling me that it's time to go."
-Garak; "Our Man Bashir"
"Those who hate and fight must stop themselves, Doctor. Otherwise, it is not stopped."
-Mr. Spock; "The Day of the Dove"
"Every time I throw this ball, a hundred different things can happen in a game. He might swing
and miss. He might hit it. The point is you never know. You try to anticipate, set a strategy for
all the possibilities as best you can, but in the end, it comes down to throwing one pitch after
another and seeing what happens. With each new consequence, the game begins to take shape."
"And you have no idea what that shape is until it is completed."
"That's right. In fact, the game wouldn't be worth playing if we knew what was going to
-Sisko and Baseball-Prophet; "Emissary"
"You value your ignorance of what is to come?"
"That may be the most important thing to understand about humans. It is the unknown
that defines our existence. We are constantly searching, not just for answers to our questions, but
for new questions. We are explorers."
-Jake-Prophet and Sisko; "Emissary"
"Well, in all my years I ain't never heard, seen nor smelled an issue that was so dangerous it
couldn't be talked about. Hell yeah! I'm for debating anything. Rhode Island says yea!"
-Stephen Hopkins
"Is anybody there? Does anybody care? Does anybody see what I see?"
-John Adams
"I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace, that two are called a law firm, and that three or more become a Congress!!"
-John Adams
"The right to be free comes from nature."
-Thomas Jefferson
"Those who'd give up some liberty in order to obtain temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Benjamin Franklin
"Have you ever been to a meeting of the New York Legislature? Everyone speaks very loud, and
very fast, and nobody listens to anybody else, with the result that nothing ever gets done. I beg
the Congress's pardon."
-Lewis Morris
"Don't forget that most men would rather protect the possibility of becoming rich than face the
reality of being poor."
-John Dickinson
"'Treason is a charge used by winners as an excuse for hanging the losers.'"
"I have better things to do than stand here listening to you quote yourself."
"Aw, that was a new one."
-Benjamin Franklin and John Adams
"This is a revolution, dammit! We're going to have to offend SOMEbody!"
-John Adams
"Incredible! We're free and he hasn't even left yet!"
-John Adams
"A rebellion is always legal in the first person such as 'our rebellion.' Only in the third person 'their rebellion' does it become illegal."
-Benjamin Franklin
"Don't worry, John. The history books will clean it up."
"Hmm . . . Well, I'll never appear in the history books anyway. Only you. Franklin did
this, Franklin did that, and Franklin did some other damn thing. Franklin smote the ground and
out sprang George Washington, fully grown and on his horse. Franklin then electrified him with
his miraculous lightning rod and the three of them-Franklin, Washington, and the
horse-conducted the entire revolution all by themselves."
-Benjamin Franklin and John Adams
-The Lord of the Rings [movie version]-
"Come on, Sam. Remember what Bilbo used to say. ‘It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going
out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where
you might be swept off to.'"
"I cannot do this alone."
"You are a Ringbearer, Frodo. To bear a Ring of Power is to be alone. This task was
appointed to you, and if you do not find a way, no one will."
-Frodo and Galadriel
"And what side are you on?"
"Side?! I am on nobody's side because nobody is on my side."
-Pippin and Treebeard
"We set out to save the Shire and it has been saved, but not for me."
"I can't recall the taste of food, nor the sound of water, nor the touch of grass. I'm naked in the
dark. There's nothing, no veil between me and the way of fire. I can see him with my waking
"Then let us be rid of it! I can't carry the Ring for you, but I can carry you!"
-Frodo and Sam
"How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on, when in your heart you
begin to understand there is no going back? There are some things that time cannot mend, some
hurts that go too deep . . . that have taken hold."
"I'm glad that you are with me, Samwise Gamgee, here at the end of all things."
-Kyou Kara Maou-
"Walk a straight path...
May you be second to none in radiance...
May you be the sun in everyone's lives..."
-Yuuri's Blessing (by Conrad); episode 26
"May you be the kind light that dispels the darkness and illuminates everyone's lives...
The one who seeks the sun...
In order to become the moon..."
-Murata's Blessing (by José Rodriguez); episode 26
"This is reality, Shibuya. Being betrayed over and over again. And probably more and more from now on. Every time that happens, you get hurt. But you aren't the one truly being hurt. It's the people who believe in you. Whether you can save the people depends on your ability to bring peace to the country. You may end lives. You may lose people important to you. Shibuya, even knowing that, are you still going to continue? Will you keep running without stopping?"
-Murata Ken; episode 31 "The End of the Land"
"The path is reavealed . . . to the one who seeks the sun . . . in order to become the moon . . . eh?"
-Murata Ken; episode 31 "The End of the Land"
"As I was being born in many countries, I was able to see many truths from those previous lives . . . Since I experience such things over and over, I realized that it is not wise to tell the truth."
-Murata Ken; episode 32 "The Memory that was Locked"
"I'm tired of doubting people. Trusting is so much easier."
-Shibuya Yuuri; episode 39 "Your Name is Maou"
-Gundam Wing-
"The Earth has great beauty. Animals known as humans have acquired such strength that they want to control the planet for themselves. From the point of view of an entire planet the life of a living thing lasts no more than an instant. But in the end, mankind thinks only of itself. Nothing changes. The time spent by humans in outer space has been a waste. In reality, the ideal is just a dream. This false pacifism. This false living space. Outer space is a breeding ground for even more battles. Wars claim many lives. Mankind hasn't forgotten the sorrow caused by wars yet they haven't stopped fighting. The blood and tears shed are merely ceremonial."
-Heero Yuy; Episode 18 "Tallgeese Destroyed"
"One can't speak of history without referring to the wars in each era as important."
-Heero Yuy; Episode 18 "Tallgeese Destroyed"
"So why do people fight? The meaning of existence could lie in their will to fight. People feel
accomplished through battle. And it's also a fact that the ones actually fighting are never
perceived as being tainted."
-Heero Yuy; Episode 18 "Tallgeese Destroyed"
"Tradition is a kind of history. It's the history of sympathy, built on people's true feelings. I
think fighting in wars can indeed be beautiful. I'd also like to express my regret over the lost
souls by appealing to how priceless man's life is. I believe what mankind needs is not absolute
victory but a certain demeanor in fighting, an attitude toward it. I fear the ear of the soulless
weapons called mobile dolls, in other words the era Romefeller is creating, may be an
embarrassment to the people of the future."
-Treize Khushrenada; Episode 25 "Quatre vs. Heero"
"From a historical point warriors who lost what they were protecting and who were betrayed, are
losers. But they don't recognize that. Not only that, but they retain a strong will to continue
-Treize Khushrenada; Episode 25 "Quatre vs. Heero"
"You're afraid of dying, aren't you? Then you shouldn't be fighting in the first place!"
-Quatre Raberba Winner; Episode 24 "The Gundam They Called Zero"
"If everything has gone mad then I'll just fight believing in myself."
-Heero Yuy; Episode 24 "The Gundam They Called Zero"
"If you leave him alone, Quatre always takes the blame himself for everything. One day he'll say
that his lack of effort is the reason there's no air in outer space."
-Duo Maxwell; Endless Waltz
-Red vs. Blue-
"Wait a second. How do you beat someone to death with their own skull? That doesn't seem
physically possible."
"That's exactly what Jimmy kept screaming. ‘It doesn't seem physically possible!'"
-Tucker and Church; episode 10 "a shadow of his former self"
"There's no ‘I' in ‘team,' Griff."
"Yeah. There's no ‘u' either. So I guess if I'm not on the team and you're not on the
team, nobody's on the god damn team! The team sucks!"
-Church and Griff; episode 42 "you're the bomb, yo"
"We're in the future. Things are very shiny here."
-Caboose; episode 43 "make your time"
"Why does bad stuff always happen in the present?"
"Because that's when people do stuff!"
-Griff and Doughnut; episoe 43 "make your time"
"Destroyed the present? Then where are we?"
"We're in the future, numbnuts."
"Aren't we in the present right now? Aren't we always in the present?"
-Tucker and Simmons; episode 43 "make your time"
"Take your current age. Now subtract ten years from it. Were you smart back then? Of course
you weren't. You were a god damn idiot. The fact of the matter is you're just as big of an idiot
today. It's just going to take you ten more years to realize it."
-Church; Public Service Announcement 3 - Tatoos
-Yami no Matsuei-
"Every healer kills. It's killing to excise a cancer. A cancer is life, a living thing. Illness can come from parasites, which are also living things. The question isn't whether to kill or heal . . . the question is, when you kill, what are you healing?"
-Muraki Kazutaka; "The Doll" by Bonnejeanne and Laekin
"Do you know why I became a Shinigami? It was to find the one who killed me. I knew that
there was nothing I'd be able to do if I were to find him at this stage. But I wanted to know the truth."
-Kurosaki Hisoka; Nagasaki arc
"I'm not one to say that when push comes to shove, we'll manage . . . kindness can be a
weakness, too."
-Kurosaki Hisoka; Akuma no Trill arc
"You should never be casual about making promises."
-Kurosaki Hisoka; Akuma no Trill arc
"You're not being fair. When it comes to strangers, you won't hesitate and charge right in. But
you hide everything about yourself. That's cowardly."
"If it means inviting the scorn of you and the others having you all know the truth about
me, I prefer this. I don't care if I'm a cowardly man who cheats himself."
-Kurosaki Hisoka and Tsuzuki Asato; Kyoto arc
"Tsuzuki has saved me many times before. When I was so mistrustful of people and so closed in
spirit after my death . . . he gently and calmly gave me love and warmth. He always protected me
with his smile! If Tsuzuki is in trouble, I want to save him! This time I want to be his strength!"
-Kurosaki Hisoka; Kyoto arc
-Buffy the Vampire Slayer-
"Passion. It lies in all of us. Sleeping . . . waiting . . . And though unwanted . . . unbidden . . . it will stir . . . open its jaws, and howl. It speaks to us . . . guides us . . . Passion rules us all. And we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love . . . the clarity of hatred . . . and the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank . . . Without passion, we'd be truly dead."
-Angel; "Passions"
"You won. All right? You came in and you killed them, and you took their land. That's what conquering nations do. It's what Caesar did, and he's not going around saying 'I came, I conquered, I felt really bad about it.' The history of the world isn't people making friends. You had better weapons, and you massacred them. End of story."
-Spike; "Pangs"
"If we could talk to him--"
"You exterminated his race. What could you possibly say that would make him feel better? It's kill or be killed here. Take your bloody pick."
-Willow and Spike; "Pangs"
"That's everything, huh? No weapons, no friends, no hope. Take all that away . . . and what's left?"
-Angelus and Buffy; "Becoming, Part II"
-Le Petit Prince-
"Mais, si tu m'apprivoises, nous aurons besoin l'un de l'autre. Tu seras pour moi unique au monde. Je serai pour toi unique au monde..."
-Le renard
(But, if you tame me, we will have need of each other. You will become unique from the rest of the world to me. I will become unique from the rest of the world to you . . .)
"Les enfants seuls savant ce qu'ils cherchent."
-Le petit prince
(Only children know what they look for.)
Go to Quotes [part I].