Amateur Article - Harmonious Psychobabble

Aug 14, 2009 15:47

This journal is not important. Nope, not at all. It only concerns an artlice I read called 'Do You Complain Too Much'. It was written very nicely in my opinion, and the writer managed to take us along through her ride in the 'No Complaining' journey of a lifetime; not at all ignoring scientific facts and important, professional names in the long ( Read more... )

rubbish, long, thoughts, venting, article, psychobabble, stupid

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lupis_ashes August 18 2009, 01:37:58 UTC
Look who's stalking who now. *shot at*

Funnily enough, I never went through the 'trying to fit in with a crowd' phase. I've always worn what I've found most comfortable, I've always liked what I liked (though I didn't advertise it; 'why court trouble?' has always been a motto I've followed), ate whatever, whenever and however much I felt like. I think the only thing that changed was the fact that I went from an absolute goody-two shoes to someone who still abides by rules but is incredibly lazy about the ones that aren't as important (like completing homework, when I was still in school). Oh, and I'm much more perverted now. Aaaah~ How protected I was.

I suppose it has something to do with the fact that I like people, but I don't like interacting with people. I feel bad for the friends I make; I'm not terribly loyal and I have a one track mind (or so it seems). A good icebreaker is to complain, or so I've found, though. It lets you know where people stand and it's (like the author said) quite relaxing. Though it doesn't help that I like to argue

How did you work out if someone was a "conformist" though? I've never thought of the world like that... It seems like such a foreign concept to me.

Anyway... Basically, I'll take your two cents.

Also, I think 'ishkabibble' is my new favourite word.

AND WHAT RUN INS WITH THE LAW? *spazzes* It was nothing serious, I hope.


alchemistofbing August 18 2009, 07:25:27 UTC
Oh I was so childish back then~

The only friends I ever had ever since... well... ever (for some reason whenever I get friends they move out of the school or country after a year XD). So I actually felt this desire for companionship so much that I was willing to change all of myself... very awkward stage of my life, btw (I didn't know how to talk to people D:)

And then emo stuff happened blahdiblah~

Later on I realized that I just had to be myself :D I adopted that motto too late, I'm afraid XD I realized that I just can't focus my whole life or a whole second at all on this conformist/non spiel. I felt, with all due respect (and this is just my opinion) that it is just too ridiculous.

We're the same on the friends bit- I have times when I can't talk to people at all, and my feet would feel like lead at the thought of grabbing for the phone just to jabber or going to places to socialize. It's not because I don't like that friend, I'm just like that I guess ._. There are times when I feel the need to talk to people, too XD

Oh complaining's fine to me! It's just the type of complaining about 'how the masses nowadays only likes one car color' that doesn't fit me XD Like the author, she had to struggle for a bit in order to find out which 'fits' her. Besides, 'complaining' about the weather gives, what? 1% negative energy? I don't get it...

'Conformist' for us back then were people who just followed others for the sake of doing what's popular. Like botox or Hetalia (since lots of people love it because, honestly, who WOULDN'T?!). I used to abhor 'conformists' like the plague because our school, for us, were full of mindless drones who follow only the trend.

Aaand then I realized how I didn't like doing that anymore because I happened to love stuff like Avatar and Hetalia. And nobody's going to TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME. NOBODY I SAYYY


Plus it wasted lots of my energy focusing on what people were doing instead of what I was doing. It just didn't 'fit' me XD


(thankfully no one told us in)


lupis_ashes August 18 2009, 16:33:15 UTC
Hm. I've had a friend move up to the Gold coast, another move to Perth and another move to Canada. It was quite depressing. We'd become quite close. Then they'd move - I'm terrible at keeping in touch with people, be them family or friends - and we'd grow apart and that'd be the end of that. I suppose we both have to try better at keeping in touch? Email's made it slightly easier, at least...

I still don't know how to talk to people - I usually wait for them to talk to me, then once that's out of the way, I attempt to make a comment about the weather/sport/some other stupid thing I read in the paper/heard on the news. Awkward stuff...

I don't think your friend would take your not calling personally though. It's not like you do it to just one or two, yes?

It's better late than never; I'm glad you realised! You're a lovely person and even if you're not too emotional or anything in real life now, who knows, with a bit more life experience you may come out of your shell.

I felt, with all due respect (and this is just my opinion) that it is just too ridiculous.

From what you've told me, I have to agree. I think if people stopped complaining about things out of their control (when it comes to other people, because in all honesty, if we stopped complaining/talking about the weather what would we start 90% of our conversations with?) we might find something else to lay our energy into.

Thinking about it now, I think I do exactly that with my mum. She smokes and we all complain about it being bad for her and our health, for it costing a heap and the fact that it's not a good sign when your kids can't smell cigarette smoke because they've gotten that used to it, or are asked by teachers ad the like (and looked down upon) because they go to school supposedly stinking of the stuff. But it makes her happy. And even if we do complain we don't have the heart to do anything about it. So what's the point of complaining?

"How the masses nowadays only like one colour"? You're kidding me right. |:; Right? People complain about that? Seriously?

AVATAR AND HETALIA ARE AWESOME. Seriously though, I'm sure I'd have taken up alcohol or drugs if I didn't have fandom. Stress does weird things to a person who can't find a way to cope.

PORN? AT SCHOOL? YOU REBEL YOU. Which one was it? I think I have three or four official Gravitation doujin downloaded. Unfortunately, I haven't managed to find K/Sakano, though I've looked high and low. T_T My OTP seems so far away, out of my reach...


alchemistofbing August 18 2009, 19:09:12 UTC
True that. Although I have this slight problem with replying with e-mails too late sometimes. I still have one friend that I'm in touch with from the old times, one who's probably on her knees begging me for forgiveness, and another who I haven't talked to for... two whole years.

Oh well- as Frank Sinatra once said: 'That's Life'! :D Movin' on forward~

To answer your question in that one conversation we're having (how many conversations do we have?! D:), I'm currently studying Travel and Tourism. It's a course where talking to others is a must; gathering connections, knowing how to understand your customers and everything. I had to learn how to be more social :/ I managed to figure out conversation starters to strangers, though- it's all about 'how are you's' 'what school did you got to?' and all that, and then end it all with a joke! I use humor to connect to people XD (sad, innit?) At times I won't feel like talking and I'd just pretty much overlook other people and clam up in my own world. But I had to push myself out there...

.. can't say I'm doing well at the moment, but well enough so far XD It's kind of like Jekyll and Hyde for me, to be honest :| Is it like that for you, too? XD Since you did mention that we're actually alike when it came to a stiff exterior and an... insane interior...

Isn't it? :/ Oh well... that's their thing, I guess. As of now, I'd like to be with people who'd take me as I am! I mean, why stop liking something or why stop yourself from looking at something even if it's immensely popular?

Well- perhaps there could be another alternative to smoking your mum could try? My friend tried one of those cig sticks that doesn't have nicotine in it... but I doubt it'd work well enough. Oh well, I don't completely know the whole situation, though, so who am I to talk XD

Yep. You should see some of the stuff on the internet. People saying Playstation 3 pwns Wii and vice versa. Who cares who pwns who? Some of them like PS3, while some of them like Wii. End of story... but, being loyal to my own motto, I let them be and don't even bother commenting to them :/ Cogs of the universe and all that. Slick workings of the cosmos blarhdiblarh.

YES THEY ARE. They make my happy up to 1003%! One of my friends hate Avatar, though, but I don't think he really checked it out through and through, but I loved it~ humor, action, storyline, and everything XD

IT WAS GRAVITATION EX! >:D The one that the original author of Gravitation released complete with inside illustration of Yuki's %^&$# and Shuichi's #&$*^&@*. Lovely, lovely stuff~~ lovely stuff indeed... (although some of them thought otherwise... amateurs...)

D: K/SAKANO?! You dog you~ I never thought about that before >:D <-is interested

Mind you it's your fault if I lose my mind for this XDD


alchemistofbing August 18 2009, 19:09:43 UTC
tl;dr :|


lupis_ashes August 19 2009, 07:49:39 UTC
What? Oo; Surely I haven't done something already... A minute hadn't even passed!


alchemistofbing August 19 2009, 13:32:47 UTC
Eh? O_o whuchee?

Wait wait XD The internets misunderstanding witchdoctor is here!

I was like oh my, what i wrote was too long D: how embarrassing, so I added that little tidbit to show how much I scolded myself for writing too long XD It's a sickness, I'm afraid.

Or maybe I was the one who misunderstood D:



lupis_ashes August 20 2009, 01:36:02 UTC

I was just wondering what your "tl;dr :|" was about.

There is no such thing as writing a comment that's too long. Unless the comment has a maximum character length.


alchemistofbing August 20 2009, 08:21:27 UTC
XD I don't even know what 'OTL' means D:

tl;dr is basically acronym for 'too long; didn't read' XDD or was it 'don't read' O_o

It's my symphatetic pat on the back for the person who has to read whatever book I wrote on their comment ._. right after I facepalm.

(that's good to know, though, as I fear I have committed this crime far too much D:)


lupis_ashes August 22 2009, 01:42:11 UTC
OTL or ORZ or ORL or OTZ are all someone getting down on their hands and knees and banging their heads on the floor. It's like: "Shit, I'm stupid! *bang*"

I didn't know that. Though that makes quite a bit of sense...

So have I. I blame the fact that I don't talk all day, so I need to let it out over the net. >>;


alchemistofbing August 22 2009, 13:44:46 UTC
Same here! I don't usually talk about Hetalia or anything my friends don't like and just settle for our common interests XD

I think I'll be using that from now on :D bwahahah~


lupis_ashes August 27 2009, 01:55:02 UTC
I only talk when I'm asked. Or the random, "Russia/France/England/whoever's CD will be out soon." But that's not said too loudly.

It's a valid excuse!


alchemistofbing August 27 2009, 09:36:56 UTC

And I only share the music they have, and one of my friends likes N./S. Italy's voice actor (I sent him Romano's tomato song and he LOVED it).

Oh Hetalia... this is serious. It's like an epidemic. And we're already too late :|



lupis_ashes August 28 2009, 04:27:35 UTC
The Tomato Song is going to be used to take over the world, I swear it. Play it outloud once and you'll have it stuck in everyone that heard it's heads.

XD Well, you either love it or you hate it.


lupis_ashes August 28 2009, 04:24:58 UTC
I prefer Dory's motto: "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming~"

A bloody lot. D:

Sounds good. Hetalia must make the geography more interesting, at least~ I wish I was doing something that could help me understand Hetalia. But alas, the most we learn about other countries is that Australia's inks should technically be the same ones that Japan uses, instead of England's. Oh, and England seems to have followed the French in the use of the metric system. (useful stuff. Not. ==;)

Humour's good. Quite frankly, I'd prefer talking/listening to someone that makes me laugh, than one that doesn't. You feel more comfortable with them.

I'd say so. I'm really, really quiet outside of the house, and though I'm louder when at home, I'm still nowhere near as lively (>>;) as what I am on the net. To quote a friend, I seem "scary and serious" when people first meet me. Supposedly, as time wears on, I seem squishy, laid back and antisocial, with a fondness for deadlines and making everything perfect, though I'm no louder than I was when I first met them. I tend to have days when I feel like being around people and others when all I want to do is curl up in a corner of the room/bus/train/wherever and keep to myself though my friends don't seem to get that.

You've seen me on the net though; I'm more like the 'inner' me when I'm on here. No one pegs me as a pervert (bloody hell, I am Japan! D8). Though there's a lot of evidence for it out in the open...

To torture yourself. ==; In all honesty, I haven't a clue; I attempt to be pleasant towards myself.

Not particularly... Mum's attempted to quit in the past. All it did was maker her extremely volatile and unhappy. We were scared shitless of her.

XD Aaaah... Like the age old debate of AFL vs. NRL. I still prefer NRL, though it was nifty learning how to bounce a football. Funner still if you bounce it too hard and at the wrong angle and it does bodily harm to someone near you.

I know what you mean. We even managed to get my mum hooked on it. XD It's awesome hearing her ordering dad to flick over to it during the commercials. Zuko, Toph, Iroh and Sokka are my favs~ And for the brief time that we know them Haru and Teo (who make a lovely couple, if I'm to be completely honest). What about you? Fav characters? Pairings? Happenings?

D8 I haven't seen/heard of it! DEAR LORD NO. I'll have to go raid the Aarinfantasy archives. I swear they've got just about every doujinshi ever made in there... The original author's doujin are insanely explicit. Seriously... I have one (I wish it were of better quality! T_T) with Yuki/Shuichi and Hiro/Suguru (another fav of mine). It's one of the Mega Mixes.

XD Well... I was looking for someone to pair Sakano (mah fav, teeeeee~) with and it struck me that K would be awesome. There's a few fics on them; some better than the rest - but it won my heart. <3

Aaah, like you hadn't lost it already. ;P

So sorry for taking so long to reply to this.


alchemistofbing August 28 2009, 13:43:49 UTC
(no worries O_o it was too blinking long XDD)

Dory! >:D I forgot about that movie, god forbid. I felt dad and I reach an understanding after that movie xD

A bloody lot D:

I know! D:

XD I actually feel glad that I got tourism - I also study country relations with each other >:D mwahahahah. Which means that useful tidbit about Greece and Japan's close relationships are going to be useful to me in the future. No worries, though, I'll share every single thing I learn about from class through fanfiction and smutty fanart >:D

England followed France's metric system? I can actually see a perverted scenario coming up right now. yep. there it is. you don't wanna know...


I love humor! <3 For some reason, through my monotone voice and cynical/random humor I've become the clown of the class, too :| Who knew, huh? I'm an entertainer at heart XD Even with my stiff facade, when I meet someone for the first time, I'd try to get them to crack a smile by doing something silly or random.

One of them said that, with my blank face, it makes it even funnier XDD I don't know how that happened, I used to be as quiet as a block of brick.

That's just like me in a way O_o I have days when I need to be alone and just let my mind rest from social activity. Whenever people visit our home I get tired quickly and often retreat back into my room. Yesterday, my aunt's birthday, had me napping (which I rarely do, ever) after the whole ordeal~

I had that problem with my own family once, but they finally respect my lone times XD

What my friends barely understand about me is that I'm not like them. I don't like going out much and they should know that I'd only go out with them, and not other people. If I ever go to an outing with them it's only rarely (which I like, and they seem to think that my parents have a tight leash around me or something), and when I do I don't like to go home after dark because I love working in the afternoons and just sitting there. They all pin it down to my parents being strict when, seriously, all I do is follow what I want :/

xD It actually amuses me that the quiz depicted us both as Japan and Germany respectively. Makes me wonder where our N.Italy is~ bwahahahah.

Teach the noob what AFL and NRL is D8

Lesse now - favorite characters, ehh? I say: Sokka (1), Zuko (2), Aang (3), and Toph (4)~ I loved Aang's laid back attitude in the beginning XD Sokka's no. 1 though!!! I got hooked with Sokka/Zuko and Sokka/Toph. I LOVE THEIR FIGHT SCENES AND MUSIC!

I have it >:D Let me see if I can upload it somewhere and you can download it. I don't have the complete stuff, though D:

Ohoho~ I always thought that Sakano could be the group's dancer with the way he perfectly did a twister in the first episode of Gravitation (the show that BROKE MY HERT).

Yes... you're right D: Maybe I still have a little bit of sanity left... maybe... :|

ps. I couldn't bother you on messenger because I think you're too busy doing work! So finish the work first, m'dear, I'd hate to be the reason ju procrastinate >:3


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