Title: Phenomenally Indifferent, a Prumano FST
Characters/Pairings: Prussia/S.Italy
Rating: PG. Last song is M
Warnings: Last song has profanity and is rated mature
Okay yeah. I know. Weird crack pairing, eh? xDD But I had a whole list of songs that reminded me of this pairing so much that it was begging to be done... I couldn't resist D:
Hope you guys
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And the chicktomatochicktomatochicktomatochicktomatochicktomatochicktomatochicktomatochicktomatochicktomato is the cutest and creepiest thing ever!
And thank you :D
creepy? WIN!!!
Due to my overly obsessed imagination, my vision is that the fat chick will end up squashing the tomato and making tomato juice in the process. Which I will then drink. =D
And ~ due to my over active imagination ~ I IMAGINE MUCH TOMATO KINK!!! 8D
You're using this icon!! OwO
/never really thought anyone is going to use it.
Also, it expresses my love for this totally crack, but still amazing pairing~
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