Remember that thing that kids used to say when they tease someone?

Sep 17, 2009 15:14

 It starts with:

'I see England, I see France, I see [insert name of unfortunate kid here]'s underpants!'

dyou have your hetalia glasses on? yeah. thought so.

'I see England, I see France...
They're not wearing underpants.
Use the peephole through their fence,
Witness World War three commence.

Watch the two go run amuck
Once old France asks for a...'

... ( Read more... )

england, i'm high, poetry, france

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lupis_ashes September 17 2009, 14:18:00 UTC
*trying to keep a straight face*

*fails. Epically*

*is hurting she's laughing and smiling that much/hard*


... I think I woke my elderly, deaf neighbour with my laughing. XD

I'll say it again: You are Awesome.


alchemistofbing September 17 2009, 14:29:48 UTC
xDDDD I live to corrupt willing minds and disturb the peace >:D

ps. i've just turned my early presentkaljdlk into my wallpaper, and will be so whenever I'm alone to satisfy my perverted urges :|

pps. THANK YOU FOR THE BUTTS SO MUCH MARRY ME 'CAUSE WE GOT ANIMALS >:D *forgot to put that bit in xD*

ppps. You're mostly rated as Romano xD I totally saw it I did >:D


lupis_ashes September 18 2009, 06:16:44 UTC
I can see that. And holy crap are you good at it. ._.

ps: XD Would you like their comments on the larger one I'll be sending you? I'm getting rid of the 'happy birthday' so you have a lovely view of their asses and backs.

pps: YOU'RE VERY WELCOME LOVEY! I had much fun. even if Ludwig and Gilbert's muscles gave me hell

I HAVE THE CAKE READY. All we need to do is by the dress, suit and find someone crazy enough to marry us. :D

ppps: My darling Romano? :D I actually hadn't expected to be rated as him.


alchemistofbing September 18 2009, 10:03:22 UTC
I- I'm not good at it yet... *hides behind potted plant*

ps. :D l-larger one?? *dies 2x* (anything that won't be too troublesome for you, really xDD) Anything's fine :D BWAHAHAH~ I really hope that I'd get to finish 'For the Sake of Brother's Boobs' on the 29th xD (there will actually be tsundere fluff later on :| crackfluff. Fluffycrack... ech. bad mental image.)

pps. :3

AND YUS! *who'll be wearing the dress?* BWAHAHAH - THE BAD INFLUENCE DUO GO!

ppps. I know! I still think it's blinking awesome that you're rated as Romano! :D


lupis_ashes September 21 2009, 00:45:54 UTC
I CAN STILL SEE YOU. *hides behind a letter box*

ps: They're rabbits? :| (I fail. Seriously) XD Take your time! I don't mind waiting.

pps: Well... I'm pretty fond of suits, really, so if you don't mind, you could? WE ARE B.I.D!

ppps: I don't know what to think. OTL On the one hand I'm like, "OMG THAT'S AWESOME!" but on the other I'm like: "He's too awesome! There's no way I could be him. D: *angst angst angst*"


alchemistofbing September 21 2009, 09:51:00 UTC
you stalker :O

xDDD pot calls kettle black

ps. Nope~ I imagined a very hairy ass :|

.... xD

pps. I'm fond of suits, too~ I think nobody would mind if we both wear suits >:D

ppps. Seriously- THAT IS JUST WHAT ROMANO WOULD SAY >:D It's official xD You're Romano~! BAHAHAH AWESOME!

I think I'm a pretty difficult one to rate :| So far I got 3 Denmark, 1 England, 1 Japan and 1 Austria xDD My fault, to be honest - I fail at writing apps and missed some of my personality quirks D:

The closest for me (in my opinion of course) is England and Denmark - I'm too outspoken, idiotic, short-tempered, and untraditional to be Japan (and he's too pretty to be like me xD)... while I'm not as manipulative or tight assed (or pretty) as Austria. W-what do you think? :(


lupis_ashes September 22 2009, 01:31:19 UTC
ps: I gathered. I pictured the pair of them in bunny constumes. "Romano's tail belongs to me!" *grope*

pps: We should dress all the men in dresses just to even things out. XD

ppps: Or think. Romano's too tsundere to admit that out loud (it's not tough!).

You are a difficult one to rate. Hm... I'm seeing a lot of Denmark, Prussia and Hong Kong in you. Denmark and Prussia because of the trouble and whatnot you've caused in your youth and the crack you bless us with now (also because of the 'no pain, no gain' thing). Hong Kong mostly comes to mind because of what you've told me before; about how you're blank faced and all that, but are the class clown (I mean, come on! HK lights crackers by England's feet!).

But if I had to pick one... Hm. Perhaps Denmark. You're an only child, da?


alchemistofbing September 22 2009, 12:55:45 UTC
ps. By all means, his tail is yours >:D

As long as you take pictures~

pps. I concur :| They won't have any say in it at all. Red, velvet dresses and tiaras it is, then >:D

ppps. xDDD That made me lol. hard. *pets Romano* oh, Italy, you delicious tsundere you *gropegrope* Remind me to bake you cookies for making me an obsessive Romano stalker~

Oh! You got rated as Romano again xDD AWESOME.

And how can I forget Hong Kong? His voice makes me want to molest his country *_* ohohoho... yeas. they're all such lovely, lovely nation-tans.

(and yep - an only child I am >:D)

e-erm. is it all right if you rate me? :DD You're one of the only few who know me very well in these parts, and I think nobody wants to post something in mine because of the uber epicfail I posted in xDD


lupis_ashes September 23 2009, 07:31:42 UTC
ps: >:D

ppps: *joins the petting* What kind? :D

Hong Kong has a voice? dkjgasdklfjasdf. Guess who'll be visiting the library on Friday...

I also have one Lithuania vote. Now that, I expected. Two more to go~


wai so sexy, france? alchemistofbing September 23 2009, 07:35:07 UTC
ppps. of the romano gingerbread kind. With tomato gumdrop buttons.

AND YES HE DOESS *finds link to Hetalia Fantasia where ALL THE HETALIA CAST SAID THANK YOUU*

Lithuania? xDD Seems that Romano's a sure win, though~

You're a Lithuania/Romano hybrid >:D awesome combination *imagines them as a pairing*



Re: wai so sexy, france? lupis_ashes September 23 2009, 08:22:01 UTC
I ask the same question every day. D: He's never answers me. The tease

ppps: *drools* They'll be delicious.

True, true; I think it's ironic that the song I run around singing is the "Ah Romano, minami Italia" bit of the Tomato song. XD

Would someone shoot me if I said I haven't much like or dislike towards Lithuania? He's just... There. >>;

And have I told you how much your icon amuses me. XD Has he spotted Romano with his undies around his ankles?


Re: wai so sexy, france? alchemistofbing September 23 2009, 08:27:13 UTC
that bastard. Let's get the whips ready for a nice, hard interrogation >:D

xDD I keep singing 'Buono tomatox2, buono buono ooh, tomato' subconsciously whenever I'm in the vegetable section of the market :| i think i want to molest the song now.

I feel the same about Lithuania, to be honest xD Don't know why, but I like ukes who fight and wibble at the same time >:DD

dude. just the words 'Romano' 'undies' and 'ankles' are enough to make anyone pass out 8D


Re: wai so sexy, france? lupis_ashes September 24 2009, 01:41:59 UTC
>:D Yes, let's. I'll bring the camera to show that our interrogation is sound. And legal. Completely legal.

How's about molesting your MP3 player instead?

He invaded quite a bit of Eastern Europe if I read correctly... He got as bad as Russia. ._. Seriously. He's not as wibble-some as we think.

XD Right. How could I forget that?


Re: wai so sexy, france? alchemistofbing September 24 2009, 05:32:39 UTC
Yep. The camera. For legality purposes. Yep.

(we're going to sell copies, rite?)

Molesting my... hahahah.... naw... of course not~ it's not as if I named my mp3 player Romano and, you know... molest it... with a manic grin on my face - nooooo.

{_{ e-erm.

Every country has their dark sides >:D Maybe Lithuania has a bit of Russia hidden under all that apron...?

Oh - have you seen this?

>:D Latvia pillaging FTW


Re: wai so sexy, france? lupis_ashes September 24 2009, 05:55:19 UTC
We'll be sure to advertise them in England. :D We'll make millions~

Of course not. I'd never expect such a thing from you.

... I totally didn't think what I just thought. Really. >>;

That is awesome. *reads through it again* Oh Latvia, Estonia... <3


Re: wai so sexy, france? alchemistofbing September 24 2009, 09:20:10 UTC
And send Iggy a special dvd with added commentary, too >:D

'... I totally didn't think what I just thought. Really. >>;'

BAHAHAHAHAH - oh that's awesome. That is one awesomesexy image indeed xDDD


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