Best Harry Potter yet. Certain people had never been to a midnight showing ever, let alone a HP midnight showing, and it was amusing to watch the inner fight not to smack the 20 year old's dressed up as Dumbledore and tossing incantations at each other with their wands. The wooden, magical kind, not the other ones.
The rest cut for mild spoilers. Nothing you don't already know, but just in case you were worried about the movie...
The romance wasn't annoying, which was awesome, and the SNAPE was perfect. Although I have to go back and read The Prince's Tale to see if they pulled one of those Snape/Dumbledore scenes from Snape's memories. They so did. But at least we know that everyone's been paying attention. I noticed a LOT of foreshadowing to the next part in the movie, mostly all the pauses and looks of Snape's and the way the Puppetmaster looks at Harry when he tells him he thinks he's found another Horcrux. Could he be looking ANY closer at Harry's scar when he says that?
I have much Ron love. Really. He's just adorable. And so is Luna. I was upset that her lion didn't roar, but still an awesome job. She's just...everything I wish I could be.
Also: Went shopping yesterday, bought a skirt and a new shirt, got home, took a nap, got dressed up in my new clothes, and as I was doing my makeup I realized what colors I was wearing. Black skirt, black shoes, green shirt with black and silver on it.
My subconscious is too nerdy for it's own good.
And to any haters: