Oh the humanity of it all

Aug 30, 2009 18:38

I want to write, I really do. I have much to write about. So why can’t I seem to put words on the screen on my chosen topic when I get in front of the screen.

The problem is, in many cases, what I want to write about I can’t at the moment. And when the time is right, and the muse returns to me, I will write it up and share. Probably in great detail, and perhaps, if I’m lucky, in the form I want it - similar to my heroes Hunter S. Thompson and Spider Jerusalem.

And yes, I’ve been reading Transmetropolitan. Warren Ellis is brilliant. I should have read this years ago. The only problem is, after reading it, I’m inspired not so much to write, as to be a bastard and rant maddeningly about things I either shouldn’t rant about, or things I have no expertise in.

C’est la vie. Perhaps I’ll start saving them all in text documents on my laptop and post them when the time is right.

Or maybe I’ll just buy a bowel disruptor and spread some havoc in downtown Raleigh. Anyone know where I can get one?

Originally published at sonney.com. You can comment here or there.


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