Jan 01, 2030 19:29

You know what to do....


Despite attempts to maintain this journal by crossposting from DreamWidth, current world situations have interfered, seperating fen across the world for no reasons that they agreed too.  Obviouslly methods exist to bypass such roadblocks, or I wouldn't be post this update, our lives (mine and Bugland's) have been quite stressful and even updating my Dreamwidth account is taxing, let alone, having to reconnect and manually transfer everything back over here for those few that remain here.  Friend this journal if you like, in case I am able to crosspost regularily again, but for now, there won't be any crossposts, at least not friends-locked ones, so there is nothing you will miss by my not friending you back here.

If you are able, it is best to follow my DW journal.... it used to be https://alchemia.dreamwidth.org/ but, as only appropiate given the stress we've been under, I managed to loose the password.  Because my DW password backup routed through alchemia@livejournal.com, and I was offline during the period of time it would have been most obvious to change that, i now can't get alchemia@livejournal.com to forward to my other email accounts, to access the DW password retrieval/reset email (if someone knows a simple solution for this, please get in touch! I don't even know the LJ email option still exists, as it was way back in the day of friend invites and permanent accounts).

Having regained online access, and restoring our person HP fanfic site, http://www.Intertexius.com (currently forwarding to Squidge.org), I have created a new DW account for those that wish to follow for updates or discussion, and is far less 'ranty' than my old one:   https://alchemia-dent.dreamwidth.org/

I realise some of you may be looking for fics, website access or access to some long forgotten essay someone linked to on this journal, and lack the know-how, safety, or other prerequisits to slip thru the internet red-tape and access it. If such is the case, do contact me (best via DW), or ask someone else who is able to reach me, to put us in touch. Some of you will recall (and some of you will only now have become informed) that our work is kept under a password to prevent webscraping, and requires readers to agree to the Terms of Service, which basically states that our work is NOT to be archived anywhere without our permission.  There are a number of reasons for this, a major one being that by keeping it in one place, new readers will always know they are reading the most current version of our work and are not missing out on an update that was posted in one place but not another.   Another is that there are a number of things in our works that are original, and not a part of the HP-universe that we mostly write in (such as Berenice, the Wandering Rock; or Bugland's elaborate spell creations and the history behind them).  We'd like to keep this available for possible future works.  If anything were to become of either/both of us (eg: untimely deaths), we have provisions in place to release additional material and permit sharing/archiving outside of the current constraints. So do not fear that our precautions, for work we hope to do in our lifetime, will impede access beyond our lifetimes, in the future- if anything, it will become more accessible when that time comes.

With hope for a more unified, peaceful world asap, Alchemia.

lj migration, intertexius, locked entries, snarry, abp translations, abp, lj, fanfiction, flocked entries, friending, fic, friends, fandom, well wishes, fanart, fiction writing, fiction, fan art, file sharing

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