Pheasants clearly must be one of the dumber birds in the kingdom. What else explains, when given a choice of all the houses in the neighborhood, that they choose MY cat-infested backyard to create a nest and make babies?
For two days, Freya has been staring intently at a corner in our yard. I went over to investigate fearing a doomed bunny nest, but couldn't find anything. Yesterday I noticed a female one of these hanging in that corner:
Maybe not that exact species as the image I'm linking to is from "" but you get the idea. Actually the ones in our area look bigger than that. Until now, I've never seen a female, but the males strut around Grosse Pointe - which is funny, because I have never seen them in any bordering cities.
So then this morning Maddy gets out while I'm grabbing something from the car. I see the big bird in the yard and run after her - luckily she was more concerned with trying to catch a squirrel. (As of last week all my cats are strangely interested in squirrels, they never were before. Freya almost caught one a few days previous.) So I grabbed the kitteh and hauled her back in the house. The next time I went outside (again to retrieve an errant kitteh) there was a mamma pheasant and a half-pint sized one next to it. Abby's lead won't reach that corner, but man is it going to be fun trying to keep the cats from getting out until junior grows up and moves out.