Looking quickly at Alcawyn. "You know my brother?" Surprised. "Wait...Uncle? He's your uncle? But...how...?" Eyes you, curiously, then finally continues.
"Where I come from? We lived in the north, a long ways..." Loses himself in the crackling fire, "It would take a month to walk there from here. But we had to walk..." Blinking, shaking his head to banish the memories. "It was a good place. Everyone was happy. No one was being killed because of their blood. We were still young, even after...everything."
"Haldir was a captain there too, you know. He's...always been like that. He's the oldest so I guess he would. But we had to leave after a while...everyone had to. We lost the city. Had to leave with the survivors, protect them and all that." A half smile, "Elves fight more than you humans, you know."
"Rumil was always different. I guess being the middle brother does that..." Shrugs indifferently, "I was never close to him. Haldir was just like any other brother. Annoying, and far too parental for my like. But I guess after nane-- eh. He had good reason I suppose." Finally growing quiet, watching the fire crackle and blaze for a long minute before suddenly speaking again.
"We had Niphredil that grew there, it was beautiful. Feilds of the stuff..." Looks at Alcawyn again, "Why do you call him, Uncle?"
Alcawyn listened in rapt silence to the Elf's words, trying to imagine his home and what it was like. "Fairy GodMaia told me about Niphredil too. She said the flowers are like perfect little snowflakes. That's what her baby is called." She grinned and paused for a moment at Orophin's question.
"Haldir? Well, I guess it's because he's so close to Faramir. Faramir is one of my mothers. He carried Elfwine and I for a while after Grandpa Denethor stole us from Mommy. And now he and Haldir are... what do you call it...? Soulbonded? Something like that... it's something elves do. I don't know very much about it, except for a little bit that people have told me. That's why he's my uncle."
"They are like small snowflakes, yes...they're beautiful..." Smiles a little at his memories. "Fairy GodMaia eh? So you've got a Maia in the family, that's quite an addition..." What on earth are you doing around a family like this, they're too much for one elf!
Suddenly pausing.
For all that the elf had pale skin, he went white and eyes darkened suddenly with horror. My brother...no...what have you done...a mortal...
Hearing the sound of Alcawyn's voice in the hallway, Faramir follows it into the commons room, concern for her etched on his face. Alcawyn has always held a special, dear place in his heart, and he's very worried about how she's coping with the loss of Boromir.
Alcawyn? Sweetie? It's Faramir... Just wanted to give you a hug and see if you wanted to help me steal some cooki--- Pauses abruptly, finally realizing that she has company, in the form of a young elf. Hello, I don't believe we've met? Alcawyn, could you introduce me?
Alcawyn had been about to ask Orophin if he was alright, seeing the change in his face, but she smiled up at Faramir and nodded.
"Mommy Faramir, this is Orophin. He's Uncle Haldir's younger brother. We were just here talking. Orophin, this is Faramir, the one I told you about. He's one of my mothers."
*Slowly getting up from the chair and gulping hard, trying to keep the threatening tears from running loose.* Faramir... *Clenching and unclenching both hands into fists, unable to find his voice, just watching the man who has taken his brother from him. Voice shaking, but he bows politely still...* I hope... *swallows again* I hope...you keep my brother very happy in the years he has left...you do not know what you have... *looks at Alcawyn for a moment, the same confused expression appearing suddenly in the midst of his grief* You really don't know what you have...
*Listening quietly and intently to Orophin's emotional acknowledgement of himself, Faramir is shaken. He knew of Haldir's brothers, but this a level of devotion he had not expected. Nor had he expected to be thought of as... as a death sentence? No. This needed to be set right, and quickly. The boy couldn't continue thinking this way*
Orophin.... please sit down. Alcawyn, please don't leave, I have nothing to hide from you, and I sense your friend may not want to be left alone with me just yet.
I do know what I have, every moment of every day I'm acutely aware of what it is to be soulbound to Haldir. I do not take this for granted, and I am beyond thankful for it. Haldir knows what he has, as well. He's chosen to bond with a human, yes. But there's more. Orophin, when you look upon me, do you not see more? Look carefully, and see what I mean.
*Faramir fell silent, and waited. But though quiet, his mind was busy. His thoughts reached for Haldir, telling him who he was speaking with. But more than that, Faramir focused his mind on his elven heritage, willing his hands to speak of this in a way Orophin could not help but recognize. Softly, faintly, but just enough to be seen, Faramir began to glow.*
*Only able to watch in confusion and puzzlement as the man in front of him begins to glow*
Who...what are you to have such light? What does this mean?...*the grief returned suddenly once more* I know of the Amrothians, what happened to Mithrellas. If you mean to say you have the blood of my people in you, it only means another matter of decades before I lose my brother. If you mean to console me with that, it is a cold consolation indeed.
*watches his brother appear in the doorway and falters, stepping back a little, then foreward* ...why? Man caro le sin...im cared ugu...*a steady stream of elvish as Orophin moves towards Haldir, lost in the small world suddenly of two brothers.*
*Knowing the two brothers had begun to speak, Faramir was relieved. Apparently Haldir had not told his brother of their bond before this. Good, Faramir thought, he can clarify matters for Orophin. Faramir quietly moved to where Alcawyn stood looking confused and upset, and pulled her close to his side in a comforting hug. He stayed by her, stroking her hair, and together they watched as the two brothers talked...*
"Im al innas awartha le...im meleth le, muindor..." Soft words spoken quickly, pulling Orophin closer into a deep hug. "Im al innas awartha le." Quietly lost in their own world as Haldir spoke quickly in Silvan to Orophin. Trying to explain the situation, only vague words heard at intervals... "...ned i arato..." "...maia..."
"Where I come from? We lived in the north, a long ways..." Loses himself in the crackling fire, "It would take a month to walk there from here. But we had to walk..." Blinking, shaking his head to banish the memories. "It was a good place. Everyone was happy. No one was being killed because of their blood. We were still young, even after...everything."
"Haldir was a captain there too, you know. He's...always been like that. He's the oldest so I guess he would. But we had to leave after a while...everyone had to. We lost the city. Had to leave with the survivors, protect them and all that." A half smile, "Elves fight more than you humans, you know."
"Rumil was always different. I guess being the middle brother does that..." Shrugs indifferently, "I was never close to him. Haldir was just like any other brother. Annoying, and far too parental for my like. But I guess after nane-- eh. He had good reason I suppose." Finally growing quiet, watching the fire crackle and blaze for a long minute before suddenly speaking again.
"We had Niphredil that grew there, it was beautiful. Feilds of the stuff..." Looks at Alcawyn again, "Why do you call him, Uncle?"
"Haldir? Well, I guess it's because he's so close to Faramir. Faramir is one of my mothers. He carried Elfwine and I for a while after Grandpa Denethor stole us from Mommy. And now he and Haldir are... what do you call it...? Soulbonded? Something like that... it's something elves do. I don't know very much about it, except for a little bit that people have told me. That's why he's my uncle."
Suddenly pausing.
For all that the elf had pale skin, he went white and eyes darkened suddenly with horror. My brother...no...what have you done...a mortal...
Alcawyn? Sweetie? It's Faramir... Just wanted to give you a hug and see if you wanted to help me steal some cooki--- Pauses abruptly, finally realizing that she has company, in the form of a young elf. Hello, I don't believe we've met? Alcawyn, could you introduce me?
"Mommy Faramir, this is Orophin. He's Uncle Haldir's younger brother. We were just here talking. Orophin, this is Faramir, the one I told you about. He's one of my mothers."
Orophin.... please sit down. Alcawyn, please don't leave, I have nothing to hide from you, and I sense your friend may not want to be left alone with me just yet.
I do know what I have, every moment of every day I'm acutely aware of what it is to be soulbound to Haldir. I do not take this for granted, and I am beyond thankful for it. Haldir knows what he has, as well. He's chosen to bond with a human, yes. But there's more. Orophin, when you look upon me, do you not see more? Look carefully, and see what I mean.
*Faramir fell silent, and waited. But though quiet, his mind was busy. His thoughts reached for Haldir, telling him who he was speaking with. But more than that, Faramir focused his mind on his elven heritage, willing his hands to speak of this in a way Orophin could not help but recognize. Softly, faintly, but just enough to be seen, Faramir began to glow.*
*Halting at the sight of his brother.*
Who...what are you to have such light? What does this mean?...*the grief returned suddenly once more* I know of the Amrothians, what happened to Mithrellas. If you mean to say you have the blood of my people in you, it only means another matter of decades before I lose my brother. If you mean to console me with that, it is a cold consolation indeed.
*watches his brother appear in the doorway and falters, stepping back a little, then foreward* ...why? Man caro le sin...im cared ugu...*a steady stream of elvish as Orophin moves towards Haldir, lost in the small world suddenly of two brothers.*
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