FFFFF first post ever in the new icon community. Previous iconing works can be seen on eigenschaft. C: Okay, without further ado because idk what to say anymore, here be the first icon post (with much bias in it, I'm so obvious am I not :[).
➜ 50 ICONS FEAT axis powers hetalia (fanart) ; la furia roja (fanart) ; tales of graces (fanart)
➜ AXIS POWERS HETALIA Have lots of pretty pics in my Hetalia folder yet I only iconned some of them. Also, fem!Russia and fem!China are pretty but I still like fem!Germany the best♥ manry girls me likey.
➜ LA FURIA ROJA The team which I was rooting for in World Cup! /o/ Good God they won the cup ;_; it's never late to celebrate anyway + chibi heads equal cuteness overload y/y Also the last icon is David Villa, for your information
➜ TALES OF GRACES (F) Tales of Graces f for PS3 ;___; Sophie's new costume, graphics level-up awesomeness, and more Richard. MORE RICHARD. Oh God. Such a fangirl I am.
ATTENTION| comments/credits are ❤ && do not alter && tell me if you see your work being used here and you wish to be credited / for it to be removed && resources && watch?