[sticky post] albydarned's fic: ROUNDUP!

Aug 16, 2020 10:38

Pssst: Watch omg_fics to keep up with new fics and updates on other series. ;)



  • Count the Months
    Originally Posted: 7/27/2006
    Pairing: Sam/Dean
    Rating: R
    Warnings: character death, angst, darkfic
    Summary: In the months following his father’s death, Sam struggles to find his place in a world that’s taken everything, even his brother, away from him.

  • End Credits | Part Two | Part Three
    Originally Posted: 9/21/2006
    Pairing: Sam/Dean
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: LONG fic; angst; dark; character deaths; suicidal themes; self-mutilation; explicit slash/incest
    Summary: Dean's been a fan of scary movies for as long as he can remember ... Hollywood's processed thrillers, scares, and screams are nothing compared to the horror of Dean's real life, as he desperately tries to save his brother's life and sanity, as well as his own.

  • Not So Cursed
    Originally Posted: 10/7/2006
    Pairing: Gen
    Rating: PG (mentions of Sam/OFC, very brief)
    Warnings: Daddy!Sam fic, slight angst and fluff, vague-first season, AU from 'Nightmare'
    Summary: Sam knows that he's always been cursed, so it was no surprise when it happened to him instead of Dean.

  • Predictable
    Originally Posted: 11/5/2006
    Pairing: Sam/Dean
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Another job in another small town, and Sam's sitting in a library all by himself, thinking about Dean.

  • Intangible
    Originally Posted: 2/9/2007
    Pairing: Gen
    Rating: PG
    Summary: Set directly before 'Born Under a Bad Sign.' She simply does not fit. These legs, these arms these eyes ... they are not hers, and they never will be. And never before has she felt so detached and separated from the world she inhabits.

  • Queer Eye for the Straight John
    Originally Posted: 4/29/2007
    Pairing: Gen
    Rating: PG
    Summary: pre-series; a curse leaves Sam and Dean more in touch with their feminine sides, and John is left to deal with his suddenly flamboyantly-gay sons.

  • (Just) This
    Originally Posted: 2/17/2008
    Pairing: Sam/Dean
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: confusion, grief, painful sex
    Summary: Sam and Dean. The aftermath.

  • Something to Talk About | Part Two | Part Three
    Originally Posted: 2/28/2008
    Pairing: Sam/Dean (with Sam/OFCs, Sam/OFC/OMC, and Dean/OFCs and Dean/OMCs mentioned)
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: Explicit underage sex (Sam is 15), underage drinking, rimming, and the introduction of Little Slutty!Sam™ and Frustrated Virgin!Dean™
    Summary: Before leaving on a hunt, John charges Dean with the task of giving little Sammy the talk; however, it may already be too late … and Dean might be the one who learns a thing or two from baby brother.

  • ...and When You Stop Fighting
    Originally Posted: 3/2/2008
    Pairing: Sam/Matt (from 1x07 ‘Bugs’)
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: Underage sex, dub. consent
    Summary: Before the gates opened, before Sam even had a destiny to question, there was nothing but the Winchester brothers, the open road, and the people they saved. But sometimes, the people who you save end up being the ones you should have been fighting against the entire time.

  • Change for You (Die for Me)
    Originally Posted: 5/21/2008
    Pairing: Sam/Dean
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: What you’ve become never excuses the things that you do, either in this life or the next. What matters, of course, is whether you care or not. Dean doesn’t, not anymore.

    Stories Written for the sam_slut_a_thon Challenge:
    DOWNLOAD ALBYDARNED'S SAM-SLUT-A-THON FIC ANTHOLOGY HERE!!! (Stories for Sixteenth Birthdays, Hit Me, Baby, Only Doing it for the Money, and To Write in Ancient Dreams NOT included.)

  • Delicate, And Yours
    Originally Posted: 11/5/2006
    Pairing: Sam/Dean, Sam/Jess
    Rating: R
    Summary: Hands can tell you more about a person - the life they live and the places they've been. Dean doesn't see the point in caring, but Sam does, and he just holds his brother's hands tighter in response.
    Prompt #02: Hands

  • Something Dean Would Never Do
    Originally Posted: 11/17/2006
    Pairing: Sam/OMC, heavily-implied Sam/Dean (one-sided UST)
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Sam's tired of Dean always getting there first, always doing everything years before him. This time? Sam's going to be sure that he does something that Dean's never even thought about trying before...
    Prompt #04: Caught!

  • With Whispers of Silk
    Originally Posted: 11/21/2006
    Pairing: Sam/Dean, Dean/possessed!Sam
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Three boys have jumped to their deaths from this cliff, and Sam can't stop staring out at the ocean, despite Dean's hands pulling him away.
    Prompt #16: Water

  • Illegal in All 50 States
    Originally Posted: 11/25/2006
    Pairing: Sam/Dean
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: In the state of Texas, it's considered a felony to be in possession of six or more dildos ... here's stickin' it to the man (or, well, Sam).
    Prompt #17: Illegal

  • This Call Cannot be Completed as Dialed
    Originally Posted: 12/18/2006
    Pairing: Sam/Dean
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Dean decides that Sam needs a little help getting laid, and decides to be a good older brother and help him out.
    Prompt #1: Roleplay

  • Bound Appreciation
    Originally Posted: 12/24/2006
    Pairing: Sam/Dean
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Waking up handcuffed, naked, and spread-eagled on your stomach is generally a bad thing. Dean's lucked out this time; not that he'll ever let Sammy know.
    Prompt #08: Rimming

  • In Under Five Minutes
    Originally Posted: 1/21/2007
    Pairing: Sam/Dean
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: The time spent waiting for whatever thing they're hunting to come out of hiding is certainly not the best time for sex, but it's not like Sam can convince Dean to wait.
    Prompt #05: Weapons

  • In the Shadow of the Moon
    Originally Posted: 2/7/2007
    Pairing: Sam/Dean
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: werewolves, rimming, D/s undertones, some h/c
    Summary: Sam finds himself caught between his obligations as a hunter - as a Winchester - and to his brother, his protector and all he has left in the world.
    Prompt #12: Sloppy, Imperfect Sex

  • Sammy in the Sky with Diamonds
    Originally Posted: 2/26/2007
    Pairing: Sam/Dean
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: drug use
    Summary: Someone slips Sam a roofie at a club, and it’s up to Dean to take care of his paranoid, drugged, and (apparently) sexed-up brother.
    Prompt #10: Inebriated

  • The Guardian
    Originally Posted: 3/3/2007
    Pairing: Sam/Dean
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: There is reality, and then there is the realm of dreams. Sam is stuck in a never-ending dream, taken against his will, and Dean has to rescue him. The consequences are their own downfall…
    Prompt #07: Sleepy

  • Playing Monsters
    Originally Posted: 3/5/2007
    Pairing: non-explicit Sam/Dean, Sam/John
    Rating: R
    Warnings: character death, child-abuse, non-con, AU, angst ... this fic is not intended to be light-hearted.
    Summary: It was just a game ... a game that those boys used to play. They'd pretend that they were monster hunters, that they were some kind of heroes. The problem was that they started to believe that all of that nonsense was real, you see?
    Prompt #13: Anger

  • One Hundred Calories Per Serving (Or Why Sam Winchester Hates Vegetables)
    Originally Posted: 3/24/2007
    Pairing: Sam/Dean
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: Foodplay
    Summary: Some things are unforgiveable, and making Sam eat a grilled cheese sandwich with not-real cheese in it with dried-figs on the side can only mean one thing - Dean is never getting laid again. Of course, try telling that to Dean ...
    Prompt #03: Food

  • Only Doing it For the Money | Part Two
    Originally Posted: 3/28/2007
    Pairing: Sam/Dean/Jude Law (written for my darling wifey xtinethepirate's 20th birthday!)
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Sam and Dean find themselves in Hollywood, doing an exorcism for a big-time actor who Sam just happens to have a massive crush on. But hey, at least they're getting paid, right?
    Prompt #09: Bottom!Sam

  • Absolution of Uncommitted Sins
    Originally Posted: 4/2/2007
    Pairing: Sam/Dean (non-explicit), Sam/Jess (reference), Sam/Madison (reference)
    Rating: PG
    Summary: Jess told me that she was pregnant … life-lessons for the Winchesters are not ones that you are taught in an after-school special or by your parents. They’re the kind that you learn when you least expect it, and most of the time, you wish that you had never been told in the first place.
    Prompt #14: Pregnancy Scare

  • Stories for Sixteenth Birthdays | Part Two | Part Three
    Originally Posted: 5/2/2007
    Pairing: Sam/Dean
    Warnings: explicit under-aged sex (Sam is 16), references to past under-aged sex, dildos
    Summary: It's Sam's sixteen birthday, and Dean gives Sammy something that he received on his own sweet sixteen ... and when I say that he gives it to Sam, I mean, he really gives it to him.
    Prompt #15: Toys

  • To Write in Ancient Dreams | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six
    Originally Posted: 6/20/2007
    Pairing: Sam/Dean
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Sam and Dean are taking a short break from hunting in order to head south so they can avoid winter - besides, doesn't a lot of f-ed up crap always happen in Florida anyways? On the way, they stop at a bed and breakfast in Tyringham, Massachusetts, and from the moment they step beyond the threshold of the motel, things quickly spiral out of control. Inexplainable runes carved onto the floor, painful visions about a sudden and apocolypic future, and an unnatural cold spell that blankets the entire area leave Sam and Dean scrambling for answers. The secret to averting disaster lies in the past, in the mouldy coffin of a long-dead servant and his unwavering belief in a dead religion and a goddess who needs a sacrifice; one that only Sam and Dean can provide.
    Prompt #20: Writer's Choice
    For spn_j2_bigbang 2007

  • Hit Me, Baby | Part Two
    Originally Posted: 7/5/2007
    Pairing: Sam/Andy
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: drug-use
    Summary: Sam figures that he has to have some sort of connection with all of the other "special children," and he wants to find out what that might be. Andy just wants to get stoned. Somewhere along the way, they both get what they want - and then some.
    Prompt #19: Writer's Choice Kink

    'Mirror' Series: Dark Angel/SPN crossover -- CURRENTLY ON HIATUS

  • Another Looking Glass | Part Two | Part Three
    Originally Posted: 4/6 - 4/10/2007
    Pairing: Sam/Dean/Alec
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Sam has a vision, leading them to Seattle - and a group of transgenic soldiers who are in a world of trouble. Oh yeah, and one of them? Happens to look like his older brother too.
    Prompt #18: Writer's Choice Cliché ("Alec is Dean's clone")

  • The Broken Mirror | Part Two | Part Three
    Originally Posted: 4/21 - 4/25/2007
    Pairing: Sam/Alec, mentions of Sam/Dean/Alec
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Alec is injured, Sam is suffering from mysterious, mind-splitting visions, and Dean is chasing down a guy with a very familiar face through the streets of Seattle. Things are never very simple when the government gets involved.

  • A Shattered Reflection: In Progress

    RPS: Jensen/Jared


  • Problem, Plan, Solution | Part Two
    Originally Posted: 1/14/2007
    Pairing: Jared/Jensen
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Jared tries to convince himself, once and for all, that he is not attracted to Jensen. He's not; so, he makes a plan, a really good, Jared Padalecki-style plan of action ... and chances are it's going to fail just on that principle alone.

  • What You Could Do (With an Eternity)
    Originally Posted: 2/14/2007
    Pairing: Jared/Jensen
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: All legends spring from some truth, no matter how obscure or distant; Jared and Jensen find that out the hard way.

  • A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed
    Originally Posted: 4/12/2007
    Pairing: Jared/Jensen, Chad
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Sundays are Jared’s favorite day of the week - unlimited sleeping, video games, and Jensen. Of course, count on Chad (and a speakerphone) to ruin all of that with a simple question: “So, how does gay sex work, exactly?”

  • Point A to Point B
    Originally Posted: 4/17/2007
    Pairing: Jared/Jensen, Jared/OMCs
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Jared's promiscuous and Jensen doesn't really know how to deal with it rationally without scaring his friend off.

  • Acting Out | Sequel: Pushing Your Limits
    Originally Posted: 5/07/2007; 3/09/2008
    Pairing: Jared/Eric Kripke
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Jared needs a favor from his boss. A late-night favor, if you catch my drift. *winks*
Criminal Minds


  • The Things You Learn About a Guy | Part Two | Part Three
    Originally Posted: 9/27/2008
    Pairing: Reid/Morgan
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: One morning, resident genius (and assumed virgin) Spencer Reid shows up for work late, freshly showered, and covered in hickies. Derek Morgan sets out on a mission to discover just what Reid was up to the night before ... although, as usual, plans of this caliber? Almost never go exactly according to plan.

  • Me, Myself, and I
    Originally Posted: 10/06/2008
    Pairing: Reid/Reid
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Reid should really learn to keep his mouth shut and stop tempting fate so often ...

  • Taken and Forged
    Originally Posted: 11/30/2008
    Pairing: Reid-centric (with Reid/OMC, OFC, not explicit)
    Rating: R
    Summary: Something is hunting Reid. Watching him, controlling him, waiting until the perfect moment to make him only hers.

  • Online Solutions for the Emotionally-Challenged | Part Two | Part Three
    Originally Posted: 12/31/2008
    Pairing: Reid/Morgan
    Rating: PG-13
    Summary: Garcia and JJ take on the responsibility of helping Morgan and Reid deal with their online relationship … with each other. Suffice it to say, this is a task easier said than done (and requiring the consumption of many brightly-colored girly drinks).
    For the 2008 cm_exchange

  • Real-Life Solutions for the Emotionally Challenged -- SEQUEL TO "ONLINE SOLUTIONS ..."
    Originally Posted: 1/04/2009
    Pairing: Reid/Morgan
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Following their disastrous “first” date, Morgan goes to Reid’s house to fix things with the young genius. Sexual tension, a bottle of wine, and a second-hand couch is apparently everything you need to solve any troubled relationship.

  • What Choices You Make
    Originally Posted: 1/02/2009
    Pairing: Reid/Nathan (2x11, Sex, Birth, Death)
    Rating: R
    Summary: After Georgia, after New Orleans, someone calls, asking to see Reid. Someone he had completely forgotten, the only person left who knows what it's like to be scared of your own mind.

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