Title: Dawn In San Francisco
alby_mangrovesWarnings: None
Rating: G
Relationship: Eddie Brock/Venom Symbiote
Art Medium: Soft Pastels
Tags: Fluff, Symbiosis Zine
Summary: Eddie doesn’t like heights and it's cold, dammit! But Venom likes the view, so they compromise. For the
Symbiosis Zine 2019 Notes:
"It’s cold up here, buddy."
Title: Garnish
alby_mangrovesWarnings: None
Rating: M
Relationship: Eddie Brock/Venom Symbiote
Art Medium: Pencils
Tags: Art Nouveau Fever Dream?? Symbiosis Zine
Summary: Venom is 150% food motivated. For the
Symbiosis Zine 2019 Notes: I just went to town on this one, I've been reallty enjoying patterns and elaborate backgrounds in pencil. Very therapeutic!
This zine was an adventure, kind of a surreal experience. The call for monsterfuckers went out in late 2018, while the movie was fresh, so I was really excited to join. But the production of the zine itself had a lot of delays at the print house that the mods couldn't control and by the time the book was finally printed in late 2019, it was a year later and the wave of venomania had definitely passed, but looking at these drawings now, I still really like what I made for the zine, so I thought I could share them anyway.
This entry was originally posted at
https://alby-mangroves.dreamwidth.org/82393.html. Please comment there using