Title: Steve?
alby_mangroves Fandom: MCU, Captain America, Avengers
Pairing: Steve/Bucky
Rating: PG-13
Media: Soft Pastels, conté
Summary: It takes a moment for it to sink in.
Notes: I saw it on Wednesday afternoon and I've been drunk drawing my feelings ever since. I'm too tired to expound on what I watched. I have not posted here or on LJ for a while but I guess I'm hoping to connect with what you all saw and felt about it. I feel pretty dumb for worrying they were going to kill Steve in this one when really, if they did that, how could they hurt him any more? Anyway, here's drunk art #1.
This entry was originally posted at
https://alby-mangroves.dreamwidth.org/73970.html. Please comment there using