Art: Brooklyn Sketchbook [part 2]

Dec 27, 2015 23:44

A few more pages from Steve Rogers' sketchbook.

Title: Hot day at Coney Island
Artist: alby_mangroves
Fandom: Captain America / MCU
Characters: Bucky Barnes
Rating: G
Media: Pencils
Prompt by alba17: "(30’s) At the beach (Coney Island), at a baseball game. Bucky relaxing on a hot day in his undershirt with a glass of lemonade."  ...except I decided Bucky doesn't like lemonade for reasons of I forgot to draw it in.


Title: Maybe Tony
Artist: alby_mangroves
Fandom: Iron Man / MCU
Characters: Tony Stark
Rating: G
Media: Pencils
Prompt by gracerene: "I'd like to see some of his fellow avengers. Maybe Tony."


Title: Hey Stevie, watch this one!
Artist: alby_mangroves
Fandom: Captain America / MCU
Characters: Bucky Barnes
Rating: G
Media: Pencils
Prompt by giselleslash: "I'd love to see a sketch that Steve made while watching Bucky play baseball/stickball in the alley with the boys - grinning back at Steve in all his newsboy cap/knickerbockers/suspenders glory."

So presumptuous, I know. But I'm really enjoying working on these Brooklyn Sketchbook scribbles and I've been getting such great prompts. I have a few to get through but go ahead and shoot Steve a prompt or request if you'd like.

fandom: mcu, artwork: tony stark, fandom: captain america, artwork: bucky barnes, fandom: iron man, fanart, art, brooklyn sketchbook

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