Title: Zero (Gravity) Fucks
alby_mangrovesFandom: Merlin
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: NC-17
Media: Soft pastels, pencils, watercolour, 4 gin and tonics and a sneaky cigarette
Summary: Arthur bets two hundred Zafridian dollars that a couple of swigs of Klingon ale will render Merlin legless. Merlin moots the bet by turning off gravity. They get smashed and now they're gonna fuck. Just as soon as they figure out how.
Notes: For Round 3: TROPESMASH! The challenge was to choose from a number of options in setting, trope and kink and smoosh them together so I chose the combination of Space / Drunk & Bet / Xeno. I should probably be sorry for this. It's really dumb but there's a cock and several nipples, so *\o/* COCKS FOR GREED *\o/* was satisfied. And somehow it scored second place so clearly I wasn't the only lush on the night. And maybe it'll make you laugh and that's always a good thing, right? Ughhh. ANYWAY. Thanks to
Asya_Ana for helping me brainstorm ♥ and to Felix d'Eon for
this reference AO3