Title: Cherry Cola
alby_mangrovesFandom: Merlin
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: NC-17
Media: Soft pastels, pencils, watercolour
Summary: Her name is Lola. Merlin can't wait to take her home.
Notes: I wasn't going to do pornathon this year, for a number of reasons, but then the call went out for artists and I felt like a fraud trying to talk other people into it when not in it myself and so here I am once again putting you through the once-a-week shagalicious frenzy which is the Merlin
summerpornathon. I'm sorry in advance for the next five weeks /o\
ngl, I listened to this over and over and over and over...
Well we drank champagne and danced all night
Under electric candlelight
She picked me up and sat me on her knee
And said dear boy won't you come home with me
-Lola, The Kinks
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