Title: Alex Vlahos for
jelazakazone (oh look at me adulting again with delivery of promised
fandomaid stuff)
alby_mangrovesFandom: Merlin, Versailles, Dorian Gray. Or, the fandom of Alex Vlahos if that's easier, idk
Character: Alex Vlahos in roles of Mordred, Monsieur and Dorian Gray
Rating: G
Media: Conte, Charcoal, Pastels
Summary: For Jela, who wanted a portrait of Alex as the prize for her
Fandomaid auction win. I figure three heads are better than one.
Notes: Behold Alex Vlahos in his roles as Mordred in BBC Merlin, as Monsieur in the show Versailles, and as Dorian Gray in Confessions of Dorian Gray. Thanks for your patience, Jela, I hope you like him and that he got to you unscathed by his travels in the post. Thank you for taking part in the auction and donating for a great cause ♥ So sorry for the lateness of getting this to you /o\
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