Dear Yuletide Author,
Thank you so much for offering to write something in one of these fandoms. I'm certain that no matter what you choose to write, I'll love it. Any new fic in these fandoms is fantastic, and although I hope to inspire you with one of the below prompts, I would also love if you write something that you enjoy. Please write to your rating preferences but know that I would be happy to receive a story of any rating. Yuleporn me and I'll love it but it's certainly fine if you choose not to.
I really love ust and pining, and angst is my default read setting but I would prefer no character death please.
In case you're interested, here are my trope
Yays and Nays.
My requested fandoms are:
Millennium Trilogy - Stieg Larsson
Lisbeth Salander, Mikael Blomkvist
I would love something that explores Lisbeth/Mikael at the end of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. I loved the film but couldn't nominate it as a fandom in its own right. The ending really left me hanging emotionally and I'd love to see an alternate ending or some kind of expansion where they do get to speak, where he makes a different choice, something. Anything. Maybe he finds the jacket in the trash. Maybe he hears the bike as she tears off with her broken heart. With no clue as to whether the next two films will get made, I just need a resolution for my feelings when it comes to these two. I really loved them together, their dynamic was wonderful.
eta from sign-up notes: I'm craving an alternate ending to The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo which left me in need of a resolution. I loved these two characters together in the film and would ideally love a movie verse continuation where Mikael doesn't let Lisbeth walk out of his life. After everything they went through I found if really difficult to reconcile how they parted. That's the ideal, but if you would prefer not to write this, please feel free to write any story which has them reconciling, working together, missing moments from the film, anything at all which will explore their wonderful dynamic some more. Thank you!
X-Men First Class (2011) RPF
James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender
Dying for a McFassy fic that mirrors the road-trip hotel room fics of the XMFC fandom, in that they're at a convention or some sort of promotional event, there is drinking in the hotel where they're staying and handsy drunken shinnanigans ensue. I would absolutely love this to be flirty and fun. I would prefer there to be no infidelity, or mention of their respective RL partners at the time. I just would love a pissed Irishman and Scotsman with hands down each other's pants on the publicity junket for the film, riding on the high of those bromancy interviews and James admitting he and Michael had sex every morning :DDD
eta from sign-up notes: Ngl, author, I'm hoping for some fun and hot action here - I ship these two like crazy and it would absolutely make my Christmas to read about them getting it on. I've given a scenario above, but pretty much any way, any timeline, any scenario you employ to you get them to fuck is absolutely fine with me. May the Fass be with you, all the blessings upon you if you choose to write this. If, however, you're willing to write them but not wanting to write them getting hot and heavy, please go ahead and write to your preference and a scenario of your choice that explores their dark sense of humour and wonderful bromance.
Hugh Jackman (XMen) Ian McKellen (XMen) Patrick Stewart (XMen) Rebecca Romjin (XMen)
The legendary bromance between the Sirs is nothing if not ficworthy. Wherever you take it, author, I trust you. Whether you include the other nominated characters is completely up to you, I'd be happy with just the Sirs having dinner at a nice restaurant planning Patrick Stewart's wedding. Whatever you want. Banter? Great. Hurt/Comfort? Fantastic. I just love these old dudes being awesome.
eta from sign-up notes: I would dearly love a fic with the legendary bromance between these two as the main focus. They just love each other so much, I would truly love to read about their very special friendship. The Sirs just need fic, damnit! I mean, look at them: LOOK AT THEM HOLDING HANDS AND BEING BEAUTIFUL TOGETHER.
I will not say no if you slash them, in fact I will say oh YES, but if you keep it as Super Best Friends, I'll be completely and absolutely chuffed as well. Thank you.
Billy Elliot (2000)
Billy Elliot, Michael Caffrey
I know that I'm in the minority here, but I do ship Billy/Michael. I would love some serious pining on Michael's part. I'm a bit in love with the idea that Billy's just so focused that he really fails to see Michael's love for him. I'd love something that explores the possibility that they've even slept together in the intervening years but Billy's never realised it's love, never thought to push that boundary. Maybe they've not even talked about it. Maybe Michael's heart's been silently breaking for years until one night they're about to fall into bed together like they always do when Michael comes up to see Billy or vice versa, but Michael refuses to let it happen and the truth comes out and they have to deal with ~feelings. Or something. But I think I'd really enjoy the pining and long-distance longing of that relationship and Michael enduring it for the sake of having Billy now and again rather than never at all.
eta from sign-up notes: I have a lot of pining, angsty feelings about this pair. It's mostly already in my letter but basically, a story of long-distance love, whether requited or not, would be wonderful. maybe Michael's never told Billy how he really feels? Maybe Billy's the one with the feelings but he's repressed them because dance is his life. Maybe Michael having a lovely new boyfriend at the Swan Lake premiere is what does it - Billy's just confronted with the alien idea that Michael has this whole life Billy's not been privy to, a BOYFRIEND ffs. And where the hell did this boyfriend come from? Maybe Billy needs to know. Maybe he's suddenly jealous as all hell. I do love the idea that Michael loves Billy and Billy doesn't, or hasn't let himself see it. Any exploration of this would be amazing.
Frank (2014)
Baraque, Clara (Frank 2014), Don (Frank 2014), Jon Burroughs, Nana (Frank 2014), Frank (Frank 2014)
I think it would be great to read something about the months spent in the cabin with Frank refusing to record the album until they'd achieved perfection and with Jon slowly growing a beard while Clara's hatred stews on. The whole enigma of Frank is just so seductive. There are moments of really insightful wisdom where Frank comes through as a creative mentor and it's easier to accept the head as an affectation than question the weirdness, and I'd love to read more about those moments.
I do feel shippy about Jon/Frank. Jon is so clearly in love with the idea of Frank, this tortured, gifted soul. But he has no idea who Frank is and what drives him. I'd love more moments in the woods where they get to know each other. Jon had actual hearts in eyes for Frank, is awed by the seemingly effortless way he's able to create words and music and inspire the whole band who would follow him anywhere, but he attaches this whole myth to how Frank does this, how he's able to unite them all.
I mean, it's so easy for me to ship them, but if you choose to not go down this path and prefer to keep it as a friendship or bandship fic, that's perfectly fine. Though I'm seriously loving the moment where Frank calls Jon his ginger bird and they perform an interpretative dance of laying an egg. And then they tandem-hump the keyboard. AND OH MY GOD the vocalised facial expressions! Jon's delight at having those moments with Frank is so beautiful :DDD So yes, I think it would be amazing to explore the possibility that they might be attracted to each other and that Jon is able to simply accept who Frank is, and all his issues and his illness. Because in those moments he doesn't care about Frank's past or the myth of the man, he's just delighted to have made a connection with this brilliant human being who inspires him so much.
eta from sign-up notes: I loved this movie, but the ending killed me, for Jon to walk away as though he really had had nothing to offer all this time except his money and his fingers on the keys.
If you're NOT feeling shippy about Frank and Jon, I can absolutely accept that, so an exploration of their friendship would be lovely. Anything during those months in the cabin, or an alternate ending because I'm still crying with Frank and watching Jon walk away. He'd never been accepted as a part of that group. Maybe it was the curse of the doomed keyboard players or his own inability to accept being his own person and not living in the shadow of Frank's (head) overwhelming creative talent, but I want to find some way for Jon to belong. The ending really hurt!
If you ARE feeling shippy, then YES because here is a man with a mental illness who trusts Clara but still holds his hand out to Jon in that alleyway. Here is a guy who doesn't get intimacy except in his music but who's very physical and present and imposing, and calls Jon his ginger bird. And Jon, who is in love with Frank's mind from the get-go, who wants to impress him, who's desperate to know more about the enigma but just accepts Frank's idiosyncrasies without question- the way he looks at Frank sometimes, with this undisguised delight and... yeah, I ship it. He brings something cherishable? Yes! YES HE DOES! So if you choose this path, author, I might be the happiest Yuletider who ever Yuled.
Merlin (TV) RPF
Anthony Stewart Head (Merlin RPF), Bradley James (Merlin RPF), Colin Morgan (Merlin RPF)
I won't lie, I was really surprised this even made it into the approved tagset, and even more surprised when I checked stats to see how few fics there were on AO3. But since this fandom has made it, I can't not request it! I'm compelled by the Brolin.
Colin is about to take on a role as an android prostitute, presumably to be filmed in the UK. Bradley is currently filming iZombie in Vancouver. I have a lot of feelings around them talking on the phone about how things are for them. I love long-distance pining and a story that explores how their friendship accommodates their separations when they're filming in such different parts of the world. It doesn't have to be set now. If the author prefers to hark back to the days when Bradley was living in California or even make up some sort of setting, I'm all for it. I don't even need a resolution here, though okay phone sex ftw but I do love the pining, remembered good times, missing each other. This prompt brought to you by feelings stirred up when listening to The National and specifically "England".
eta from sign-up notes: Realistically, any story you write which has them pining for one another would be wonderful, author. Or if it's one sided - I would love that too. I just can't get enough of these two and with the close friendship they shared while filming the early seasons, followed by something that made them grow apart, and now working on different continents, I would love them to reconnect in some way in your story. On the phone, via email, whatever you want. Bradley has brought trinkets back from his travels for Colin before (the cap, the clothes) - maybe he sends him something from Vancouver? I would love for them to be unable to stop thinking about each other but be stupid boys about it until they're not. <3
I thank you in advance for writing something for me ♥ ♥ ♥