i think i'm into you

Jul 25, 2014 14:11

So apparently there was a seagull on the balcony here at work, and it had a big chunk of food. And then another seagull just swooped in and TOOK THE FOOD. True story, as told just now by one of our front-end developers. He laughed about it for, like, ten minutes. TEN MINUTES. I suspect that it weren't no regular Marlboro Light he was smoking out there and I'm deeply upset the he didn't share it. Now I have nothing to break the monotony of Friday afternoon, wishing I was at home doing one of the following:

- Finishing my Round 2 summerpornathon entry for the fabulous Team Greed. The spine-meltingly hot entries from Round 1 can be read/viewed here. Bring spare pants and beer. Or no pants and tequila if you wanna get straight down with it.

- Dicking around with the third fandomaid piece. I am carefully trying not to completely fuck it up. It's a process we're going through. I touch it a little bit and in return it looks at me accusingly. Give and take, you know.

- Working on another colour meme thing! I want to draw EVERYONE \o/

- Adding more to a wip I've partially posted to Tavern_Tales. In sekrit :D

- Reccing all the good hot stuff on kinkme-merlin for the Rec Challenge over on Merlin-HotRecs. Guys. There are OUTSTANDING fills on the kmm, WIPs and completed. I can't wait to see what everyone else recs. I definitely need more porn in my life. MORE PORN DO YOU HEAR ME >.>

- Fleshing out ideas for the 00Q Reversebang because YES! YESYES SIGN ME UP! Actually, I've already signed up but EEEEEEEE YES! LIKE I NEEDED AN EXCUSE TO CARESS Q's TINY BUTT WITH MY PENCIL YESSSSSSSS!

Uh. Hi. So.... what are you wearing have you been up to?

kmm challenge, tavern tales, fandomaid, merlin summer pornathon, huzzah, squee, 00q reversebang, colour meme!, fandom: 00q, fandom: merlin, beware: dorkage

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