all the fests, all of the time \o/

Jan 08, 2014 17:37


There are so many things happening right now, oh my god.

The glomp_fest is about to start posting in the next few days. I absolutely can't wait to see the stuff that's coming out of that one because some of the prompts were amazeballs, and we need more glomping. MOAR GLOMPING FOR EVERYONE

Loads of people are frantically working on their merlinreversebb stuff. LOADS of people. SO MANY LOADS. It's going to be genuinely AMAZING. I think there are more fanworks being made in this fest than ever before. And people were worried this fandom would die down once the final series aired! LOLNOOOOOOPE. Having seen the fantastic art that will serve as inspiration for stories, I'm genuinely getting a

A bunch of people are also busy making stuff for gwainefest because he's worth it. HE SO IS, and I WANT IT ALL. ALL OF THE GWAINE.

Then there's the fuckawesome untold_legends rare pairs fest which is about to open for claiming. You know that thing you've always wanted to write but didn't know where to put? COME PUT IT THERE. You're just in time to sign up, how fortuitous :D

a Merlin fest that aims to explore and to celebrate
the rarepairs of the fandom through fanworks of all kinds.
(see the rules & schedule)
prompting post

After THAT, there's the return of the fabby camelotremix. If you can't find me, I'm in ur masterlist, remixing ur fic/art <333

Camelot Remix is back!camelotremix
I strongly suspect that a little mini bang type fest might be in the works at some stage for the merlinrpf folk, but that might be just me, IDK. Might have to go prod a mod :DDDD

AND FINALLY BUT NOT LEASTLY ..uh what. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN, I MEAN THE TRIUMPHANT RETURN OF THE merlin_art-fest because clearly we need moar moar pretty arts. Also I have a powerful hankering for veins. Not even sorry.


In short, it's a good time to frolic in Camelot \o/\o/\o/

gwainefest, huzzah, squee, camelot remix, merlin art fest, merlin reverse big bang, fandom: merlin, all the fests all of the time, untold legends fest, glomp fest, beware: dorkage

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