Title: Only For You, drawn for
summerpornathon Week 7 challenge: Magic
alby_mangrovesFandom: Merlin
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Characters: Arthur Pendragon, Merlin('s magic)
Rating: NC-17
Media: 4B Pencil, pastels
Disclaimer: I own nothing. No harm or disrespect is intended.
Summary: I use it for you, Arthur. Only for you.
Notes: I'll just leave this here. It's good to laugh at oneself. *cof* Hi, my name is Alby and I'm addicted to Arthur's nipples.
But seriously. I'm sorry /o\
attaasa and I produced pretty much the same art this week, and we laughed about it, saying that obviously we weren't over the tentacle challenge from Week 1. Her entry is way better executed and I strongly suspect she actually spent proper time on it, and not just the couple of hours before deadline on Friday night. >.>
Thanks to all the pornmongers who plied me with glorious porn over the past 7 weeks. It's been real, yo.