Title: You Make Me Crazy When You, drawn for the anon
uni_merlin fest
alby_mangrovesRating: R
Pairings: Arthur/Merlin
Medium: Conte and charcoal on Riegel Natura
Warnings: Crossdressing
Prompt #: 63 (Fancy Dress Party)
Artist's Notes: I'm still not sorry, and I'd like to thank all of you who liked this and commented on the anon AO3 contest entry. It was amazing to see you there ♥
Thank you very much to OP!Anon, I hope you liked it! Thank you to
lullbeblessed and
40_miles for their help in brainstorming Cop!Merlin and Ballerina!Arthur with me. Cheers, guys! Thanks also to
emjayelle for being a lovely mod :D
Disclaimer: The characters depicted herein belong to Shine and BBC. I make no profit from this endeavor.
Summary: In which Arthur feels ridiculous in his stupid costume, until Merlin walks in the door and almost swallows his own tongue. Because of reasons.
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AO3 Thanks for looking ♥