Title: Art for "
A Thunder In Our Hearts", a
paperlegends story by
alby_mangrovesFandom: Merlin
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Characters: Arthur, Merlin, Uther, OC
Rating: M
Media: Conte Crayon and charcoal on Riegel Natura
Warnings: None
Story Summary: Uther unwittingly inherits Arthur's destiny when he takes Merlin for his own. Now Arthur must find a way to stop his father's tyrancial rule and take back the destiny he was born to. (Full summary with all warnings can be found on the author's masterpost)
A Thunder In Our Hearts is a testament to perseverance. With everything conspiring to slow her down,
k_nightfox refused to give in. Her road to finish this story reads like a hurdles track, and somehow she's jumped every single one to get it signed, sealed and delivered on posting day. Frankly, it's quite an achievement. Hats off to you, K, I applaud your monster effort! *passes you a beer or ten* Now go sleep for two weeks straight! ♥
The story itself is graphic and very confronting, and it challenged me with dark themes I'd never read before. There are strongly worded warnings all readers should heed, but I loved the concept from the moment I laid eyes on it, the idea that in appropriating Merlin for himself, Uther also takes on Arthur's destiny, and all the things this entails, good, bad and ugly. I don't want to say too much and spoil it, but
A Thunder In Our Hearts, while not for everyone, is a dark and compelling tale of survival, courage and steadfast loyalty love in the face of seemingly insurmountable adversity.
Having stepped in for another artist who found themselves unable to continue, I wanted to focus on the ties that bind Arthur and Merlin, even when they're separated by events completely beyond their control. They're fated to be together, and even cruel interference from a higher power won't change that. I've used a recurring motif of swirls throughout the art, signifying the bond of destiny between Merlin and Arthur, and their longing for each other during a forced separation. The swirls represent the magic of their true path reaching across the span of distance, strengthening and becoming more substantial over time.
Special thanks to
visbranndrage and
xarenna for their arty feedback on one of the pieces ♥ Hugs to
sapphirescribe and
40_miles for their cheering and feedback ♥ and to
the_muppet for her mad juggling skills ♥
Warning: Art contains story spoilers
1. Cover Art
2. Dividers
3. Merlin and Cynhafar
4. Arthur in Exile
5. The Reunion
My art on
Tumblr /
DeviantART I still can't believe I managed to participate in
paperlegends this year, let alone illustrate more than one story. I've loved every second of it and the Merlin fandom has been so wonderfully receptive and kind to me for the six months I've been here while I've muddled through my first art in years, and my first ever fanart.
Thank you for bearing with me while I got to know Bradley and Colin well enough to draw them. I apologize for transgressions against their gorgeous, life-ruining faces and for my clumsy technique and ridiculous fangirling. Thanks to everyone who looked at my stuff and to those of you who commented, thank you so much for your encouraging words.
♥ ♥ ♥