I had my James Bond day winning a poker tournament and having champagne in my tuxedo on the cruise.
- Perfectly beat ten The Legend of Zelda games on their original platforms
- Get among the top three billings in a syndicated TV show that runs for three seasons
-and/or-- Get within the top three billings in a film that grosses over $300 million at the domestic box office
- Meet ten people that I first knew online
- Destroy a mid-range computer with a baseball bat
- Have kinky sex with a chick with a feline tail
- Read and own all the original Goosebumps books by R.L. Stein
- Go about my daily life in a (comfortable) tuxedo (like James Bond)
- Collect all the Batman: The Animated Series episodes from Columbia House
- Buy a wedding cake when no one's getting married and eat it myself