Physical with Dr. Addis

Feb 02, 2009 14:49

I had a physical this morning, mostly to establish patient care with my new doctor. I waited in the lobby for probably about a half hour before they finally called me back. The ditzy nurse said she came to call me, then forgot about me. 9_9 The nurse put diodes on my chest and took an EKG, which I've never had before, especially during a physical. That seems a little unnecessary... She took my blood pressure but said my doctor would be in shortly and she'd take it again just in case the nurse was wrong. 0_o The nurse told me to strip down and gave me a paper "drape," then said the doctor would be in shortly. I got down to my boxers, but to be honest, there really didn't seem to be any need for it throughout the visit. The nurse seemed a bit clumsy and airheaded. She got frustrated and scolded herself for every small mistake, which only made her screw up more. I imagine the lamenting of small mistakes was for my benefit. *shrugs* I think... Maybe I'm flattering myself, but I think she thought I was cute. I considered asking her out, but I never finished computing the risks of potential awkwardness.

So after about a half hour of sitting in the exam room in my boxers with paper in my lap (no idea what to do with that "drape"), the doctor came in, then promptly left when her cell phone rang. She said it was a doctor she was trying to get ahold of for 15 minutes. I noticed she had a red BlackBerry too, and I said, "Oh, is that a World Edition?" She looked at me blankly and said, "No... it's a BlackBerry." House to the diagnosis more often. It's definitely a cool experience. My doc wants to put me on a treadmill and see how my heartrate goes up. :P COOL! But I get the impression she's just prescribing tests to make money. If she could get away with it, I wonder if she's have me in a wheelchair just because 'spending time walking builds mental stress' or some such bullshit. Christ. No wonder there are so many hospitals, clinics, labs, and pharmacies around Las Vegas. Everyone's too healthy to live. I dunnow... we'll see how this one plays out.

I'm on my mom's insurance until I turn 26 (ten months from now), and her insurance is pretty good for the preventative stuff we typically need. This new doctor was listed by my out-of-state insurance as as provider, but apparently her office doesn't believe it no matter how many times they check. Before I made the appointment, I double-checked with them and then I double-checked with my insurance. When it came time for the bill, they wanted to bill me $200 as "self-pay," and when I asked for a break-down of what that was for (the blood work, consultation, etc.), the lady just looked at me as if I were speaking French. Luckily the person sitting next to the clerk overheard and knew what was going on and tried to straighten things out. I paid only $20 for the visit, like I should. *phew* I wonder about the unnecessary work though... I hope my insurance covers it.
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