Challenge #43

Nov 04, 2012 19:01

Hello there! To anyone still paying attention, I am so very sorry for the lack of prompts last month. I've been doing some thinking, & I've decided to make this a monthly prompt comm instead of weekly. We only have one regular poster (hugs to enchanted_jae!), so I think this makes sense. Hopefully more time with the prompts will mean more drabbles. *crosses fingers*

Also, there will now be three prompts per month: a word/phrase, a picture, & a quote/lyric. Feel free to use one, two, or all three prompts; go with whatever inspires you! & if anyone has other ideas for ways to improve the comm, please don't hesitate to let me know!

House Cup Point Totals: Gryffindor - 0, Hufflepuff - 1, Ravenclaw - 6 & Slytherin - 0.


Start Over



But you rip it from my hands
And you swear it's all gone
And you rip out all I have
Just to say that you've won

- I Gave You All, Mumford & Sons

Happy drabbling/drawbling this month! Please remember to tag all of your entries with your lj name, as well as "challenge #43."

♥ Your Mod,


challenge #43, mod post, challenge

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