Title: Happy Chris'mAS/S 1
enchanted_jaeHouse: Ravenclaw
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Characters/Pairings: Albus/Scorpius
December Challenge: #1 - Muggle Christmas music
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Summary: Scorpius and Albus plan their first holiday in their new flat.
"What are you listening to?" Scorpius asked his boyfriend.
"Just some traditional Muggle Christmas music," Albus replied. He resumed humming along to the tune while making lunch.
Scorpius offered to help, but when Al shooed him away, he took a seat at the small wooden table in their kitchen. "We should decorate for the holidays," he said.
Albus smiled at him. "That would be fantastic," he nodded. "It will be our first Christmas together in our new flat, and it should be memorable."
Scorpius grinned at him. "Oh, I can think of a multitude of ways to make it memorable."